Friday, March 22, 2019

The Fox News Brain Worm Has Invaded Congress

It's not just Donald Trump who's getting high on his own supply.
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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Reminds Us the Halls of Congress Are Crawling With Fox News Grandpas
We spend a fair amount of time digesting the alternately hilarious and horrifying proposition that we have elected a Fox News Grandpa as President of the United States. Donald Trump, American president, is a bit of a science experiment: what if you elected a low-information voter who's allergic to books to be the world's most powerful man? We got a stunning reminder Thursday night via Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the freshman congresswoman who has been a relentless target for the Fox News mis-and-dis-information machine. Read More
The 69 Wildest Florida Man Headlines of 2019 (So Far)
The Florida Man is a bit of an enigma. He is the frayed fabric of a worn tobacco ring in his left back pocket. He lives in the breeze that goes through your hair while doing donuts on an ATV. He is the slight echo in the air when someone says, "Hey, watch'is!" He is Florida, and Florida is him. Do not confuse him with your average male resident of Florida. Florida Man is a brand. To honor the Florida Man, we have compiled a list of his most absurd headlines from this year. Read More
Jordan Peele's 'Us' Is a Terrifying Look at the Horror Beneath the Surface
Following the critical and commercial success of Get Out, writer-director Jordan Peele is back with another disturbing (and quite funny) horror film in Us—a full-on thrill-ride that works precisely because of its director's vision, not just in how he points the camera but also how he selects his players, who should be commended as much as their director for how they make this supernatural-tinged slasher pic work so well. Read More
Anthony Bourdain Will Be Remembered by Barack Obama, Eric Ripert, and Others in a New Book
Anthony Bourdain will never fade from memory. His energy was too wild, his adventures too captivating. In decades, he'll still be the standard-bearer of international travel and cultural exchange. His words will still be cutting through the bullshit. For those who are still feeling the loss of Bourdain keenly, there's a new book coming out collecting tributes from his admirers and fans that ought to do that memory justice. Called Anthony Bourdain Remembered, it will be published on May 28, nearly one year after Bourdain died. Read More
Scott Walker, Finally a Former Governor, Is Still Causing Trouble for Democracy
Scott Walker, the goggle-eyed homunculus once known as the governor of Wisconsin, has re-emerged with a new gig. Actually, he has a couple of new ones. Both are financed by the big noises of the wingnut welfare universe. First, he's signed on with a group pushing one of the Worst Ideas In American Politics, the Balanced Budget Amendment, through an equally bad idea,the Convention of the States. He's also taken a job with a group dedicated to protecting partisan gerrymandering and voter suppression similar to the regimes he put in place while governor. Read More
Here's Every White T-Shirt You Could Ever Need
White T-shirts are essential for a solid wardrobe. Not only can it be a base layer, a suit layer, or a layer on its own, a great white tee transcends season, trend, and time. Once you're stacked with your ideal selection of white tees, it makes getting dressed for any occasion a hell of a lot easier. From basic to indulgent to everything in between, here are the best options available. Read More
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