Monday, March 11, 2019

The 'Fake Melania' Conspiracy Theory is Back

As Donald Trump stepped onto the world stage with his successful presidential campaign, so did his marriage.
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The 'Fake Melania' Conspiracy Theory is Back
As Donald Trump stepped onto the world stage with his successful presidential campaign, so did his marriage. The mountain of evidence suggesting that Trump and Melania are anything but a besotted love match, combined with the First Lady's penchant for taciturnity and fondness for sunglasses, has festered into one of the Internet's stranger conspiracy theories: Fake Melania. The theory got its start in 2017 but in the end, although the idea that the First Lady deploys a body double is pretty funny, like most web conspiracy theories, it's almost certainly bullshit. And yet over the weekend, the theory came surging back into the spotlight. Read More
The Most Depressing Thing About Bubba the Love Sponge Is That People Listen to Him
Recordings of Fox News' Tucker Carlson spewing sexism and defending statutory rape on Bubba's show were released Sunday. And while Carlson refused to apologize (shocking), his presence and message on the shows tells a larger story. Bubba the Love Sponge is a product of the Republican brain disease. His show only gave Carlson an opportunity to expose his own diagnosis further. Read More
The Best Jaime Lannister Theories for Game of Thrones Season Eight
Quite possibly no character on Game of Thrones has made the comeback that Jaime Lannister has. From the first episode of Season One he was the ultimate villain, one who attempted to murder a child without remorse. Now, as we go into Season Eight, he's a sympathetic hero, going to join the cause of our protagonists in Winterfell. What could come next? These are the best theories about Jaime heading into Game of Thrones Season Eight. Read More
The Suit Is Not Dead. Stop Planning Its Funeral.
We didn't exactly need a leaked memo from Goldman Sachs announcing a new, more relaxed dress code at the bank to know that the chicken littles of menswear would use this as an opportunity to once again declare the death of the suit, a thing that squarely cuts against the Brooklyn School, which has made normcore with a touch of lumberjack the look of choice on the F train. The occasion for a suit may get redefined, the number of times you wear one in a week may change, but the suit is not the fedora or the undershirt or the cigarette or the typewriter or the Dodo. It is the warhorse of a well-rounded wardrobe, unless you want to one day dress like Captain Kirk. Do you still think this is the suit's funeral? Besides the fact that you'd need one to attend, here are five other reasons why it's not. Read More
Trump's 'Tim Apple' Lie Is His Most Obvious and Pointless Yet
Trump's "Tim Apple" gaffe was very much not a big deal, the sort of error that you'd imagine would feel like water off a duck's back to a president who makes consequential missteps on the regular. The internet had a few laughs, Cook jokingly changed his Twitter handle to his new presidential moniker, and even first daughter Ivanka, who'd been sitting to her father's left during the flub, seemed to find it funny. That didn't stop Trump from taking to Twitter to defend himself. Read More
The Case Against Adnan Syed Director Amy Berg Picked Up Where Serial Left Off
The majority of Seriallisteners likely filed Adnan Syed's case to the back of their minds. Not Amy Berg: The Academy Award-nominated documentary filmmaker couldn't let it go. Instead, the 48-year old spent nearly the past three-plus years documenting Syed's fight for a new trial well as digging beyond even Serial's reporting into Lee's murder. The result is The Case Against Adnan Syed, a gripping, unsettling, and entirely engrossing four-part HBO documentary series that premiered on Sunday night. Read More
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