Monday, March 18, 2019

Trump's Meltdown Shows How Bad Things Will Get

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President Trump's 28-Tweet Meltdown Shows How Bad Things Will Get
At some point, maintaining your own grip on reality means accepting that the President of the United States has lost his. The man's brain is not good, you see. One way you can tell is that he spent his Sunday going absolutely intergalactic on the Tweet Machine, offering his considered opinion on Fox News' weekend programming, decrying the scourge of Saturday Night Live—which he seemed to accuse of colluding with Russia—and, of course, forwarding some caps-heavy ruminations on the many investigations into him and his associates. Once again, we've been subjected to an extended public presidential meltdown. Read More
The Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Poster Is the Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio Image of Your Dreams
Expectations are out of control for Quentin Tarantino's next film, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, which features an ensemble cast that includes (but is certainly not limited to) Margot Robbie, Brad Pitt, and Leonardo DiCaprio. Today DiCaprio shared the first poster for Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, which is the stuff dreams are made of. Read More
Game of Thrones Fans Noticed a Spoiler-y Parallel Between Tyrion and Tywin Lannister
In Game of Thrones, sons often repeat the mistakes of their fathers. Robb's pride—like Ned's—led to his ultimate downfall. Entire lines of men have been cursed by fatherly misdeeds, like the Targaryens whose incestuous lineage eventually drove king Aerys I Targaryen mad. Now, a fan points out that, though Tyrion Lannister hated his father, Tywin, he consistently dresses like him. But what does it mean? Read More
Dick Vitale Rips the NCAA: 'It's a Cesspool!'
Esquire talked to Dickie V. about his tourney picks, what keeps him going, and what it's going to take to clean up the biggest mess of all, the NCAA. "It's a cesspool—guys hustling kids, hustling dollars," he said. "Let me tell you this: We can solve that in a heartbeat." Read More
The Bird Box Sequel Will Shed New Light on The Monsters
In December of last year, a little movie starring Sandra Bullock hit Netflix. Within a few days, Bird Box spurred a whole cult fanbase. Josh Malerman, the mastermind behind the 2014 novel the film is based on, is working on Malorie, a follow up book due out this October which takes place eight years after the original story's end. Here, he tells us what to expect. Read More
Steve King Posted a Meme Suggesting His Own State Will Be Crushed in a Second Civil War
Iowa Rep. Steve King dropped his latest awful social media post: A transphobic meme imagining the outcome of a second civil war. King shared the image of humanoid red and blue states locked in battle with the sarcastic caption, "Wonder who would win." The meme offers its own answer, reading, "One side has about 8 trillion bullets, while the other side doesn't know which bathroom to use." In the image, the congressman's own state of Iowa is depicted on the soon-to-be bullet-ridden blue side. Read More
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