Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The Trump-Fox News Symbiosis of Stupid is Complete

A democratic republic cannot function when the Executive Branch is stuck in the infotainment vortex.
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Trump Is Now Tweeting Fox News Clips Directly as the Symbiosis of Stupid Reaches a Climax
President Trump has, for years now, tuned into cable news for between four and eight hours a day. It is his primary source of information. More recently, he has taken to echo-tweeting whatever they say on Fox & Friends or Hannity, spreading The Gospel According to Meatheads to his nearly 60 million followers on the Tweet Machine. But over the last week, he has gone to another level in his efforts to draw unsuspecting travelers closer to The Bubble's event horizon. The President of the United States has begun directly tweeting video clips from his favorite TV channel—11 clips in four days, to be exact. All of this is putting our republic under severe strain. Read More
'We Don't Have to Be Assholes About It': Mayor Peter Buttigieg On 2020
Esquire's Ryan Lizza talks to the South Bend, Indiana mayor and Democratic presidential candidate about socialism, reparations, breaking up the tech giants, the Green New Deal, and how Democrats can fight those in power without being "assholes about it." Read More
The Fresh White Sneaker Everyone Can (and Should) Wear This Spring
This shoe has all the makings of a perfect white sneaker. It's low-key, but its signature navy-and-red stripe give off a "if you know, you know" vibe. It will be summer soon—and with that comes the rise of the white sneaker once again. Here's why you should get this one. Read More
The Most Important Things We Learned From the Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Trailer
As Quentin Tarantino is known to do, the script and the plot of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood have been shrouded in secrecy. On Wednesday, the first trailer for the movie was finally released. And though we've known the basic premise—Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio are Western stars in Hollywood during the time of Sharon Tate's murder—the first trailer gives us a taste of what this movie will actually be like. And it's not exactly what we were expecting. Read More
Everything You Need to Know About The Act and Gypsy Rose Blanchard
While the true crime genre is having quite an active year, Hulu's upcoming limited series The Act, may be one of the most complex and haunting stories the genre has seen in a while. The series follows the story of a chronically ill Gypsy Rose Blanchard and her mother, Dee Dee. But there's much more to the pair than meets the eye. Here's the shocking true story that inspired the show. Read More
The Supreme Court's 5-4 Ruling on Indefinite Detention of Noncitizens Is Appalling
It is profoundly wrong to believe that, just because the president* is a vulgar talking yam, his policies are not succeeding in several important places. For example, on Tuesday, by the now-customary 5-4 margin, the Supreme Court handed a big victory to the administration* not only in Nielsen v. Preap, the case under consideration, but also to the administration*'s excessive hostility toward immigrant populations. Read More
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