Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Wildest Florida Man Headlines

These are top contenders for the internet's Florida Man Challenge.
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The Wildest Florida Man Headlines
There's a new pastime sweeping across the internet: The Florida Man Challenge. It's simple: Google "Florida Man + the year you were born" and voila—instant weirdness. (Thank you, Twitter user g_pratimaaa, for thinking of this.) A couple years ago, Esquire's Jack Holmes compiled the wildest Florida Man headlines. "The Florida Men assembled here have gone above and beyond the call of duty, reaching new frontiers of swamp criminality," Holmes writes. "To merely attack an airplane crew because they won't let you vape is not enough to earn you a place here. (Where are the iguanas in that story? Where are the bath salts?)" Read More
'If It Touches Wood, It's a Whiskey': How PBR Made Its First-Ever Spirit
Pabst Brewing Co. just announced their first whiskey, which they say is "aged 5 seconds." We talked to Matt Bruhn, the general manager of Pabst, to find out how exactly they're pulling it off. Read More
New Zealand Is Taking Away Its Citizens' Military-Grade Weapons. Good.
A white supremacist committed an act of terrorism at two mosques in Christchurch last week, using two semi-automatic weapons, two shotguns, and a lever-action firearm to kill 49 people. New Zealand has decided the United States is not a model on how to respond after a mass shooting. On Thursday, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced "military-style semi-automatic and assault rifles" will be banned. The government will institute a buy-back program, where citizens can drop their now-illegal firearms at local police stations. Read More
David Letterman Opens Up About Trump and Fatherhood
The former late-night host stopped by Ellen to promote his Netflix series My Next Guest Needs No Introduction. When asked the one question he'd pose to Donald Trump, Letterman responded: "I'm disappointed in his administration. I would—I would say to him, 'Don, why are you such a putz?'" Which, fair. Read More
Sansa Stark's Death in Game of Thrones Season Eight Would Be the Cruelest Fate
Of all the tragic storylines on Game of Thrones, Sansa Stark's has been the hardest to watch. For seven long seasons she's been held hostage by evil politicians to be used as a pawn in the fight for the Iron Throne. Now that Sansa has finally found herself in a position of agency and relative safety, it would be the ultimate Game of Thrones move to take it all away and kill her off in Season Eight. Read More
Boeing's 'Optional' Safety Equipment on the 737 Max Is a Monument to Corporate Greed
The True Tale of Deregulation featuring the Boeing 737 Max took another plot twist on Thursday. The New York Times reported that the Boeing jets in Ethiopia and Indonesia lacked safety features because the company charged extra for them. Whose genius marketing idea was this? OK, charge the airline more for extra legroom seating and so on. But devices that help keep the pilots from flying the plane into the ground? Those would seem to fit the definition of mandatory. Turns out it's just another example of shareholder value killing people. Read More
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