Monday, October 26, 2020

Brad Pitt’s Biden Endorsement Is as American as They Come

During the World Series, no less.
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We at Esquire cordially invite you to join Esquire Select, and when you do, we'll send you a gift. (It's a magazine). But it's not just a magazine you'll get. With a membership to Esquire Select, you get unlimited access to, including The Politics Blog with Charles P. Pierce. You get a monthly discount to some of our editors' favorite brands. You get a members-only, weekly newsletter highlighting the best of Esquire right now. Read More
Brad Pitt Gave Joe Biden The Most American Presidential Endorsement Possible
Is there anything more prototypically American than a legendary American film star endorsing a presidential candidate during a baseball game? During Saturday night's World Series game, baseball-loving Americans heard Brad Pitt's dulcet tones wash over a campaign ad for Joe Biden, marking Pitt's first official foray into the 2020 election. Pitt hailed Biden as the choice to represent "all Americans," delivering an impassioned monologue about Biden's ability to unite a fractured nation. In the one-minute television spot, featuring footage of the Democratic candidate meeting, embracing, and laughing with Americans of varying ages and identities, Pitt speaks about Biden's gift of empathy, as well as his power to unify Americans from all political backgrounds. Here's his narration in full. Read More
The 12 Best Knit Blazers to Meet This Strange Sartorial Moment
I know what you're thinking. A blazer? In this economy?! Get out of here. But this isn't your standard, run-of-the-mill blazer. Far from it, in fact. This is a knit blazer, and right now it represents exactly the type of clothing you should be thinking about as you reckon with the day-to-day monotony of WFH life and the nagging feeling that maybe—maybe?—it's time to dress up again. And not a moment too soon. It turns out there are few propositions better suited (heh) to the nature of our new reality than this type of relaxed tailoring. A knit blazer is the purest expression of the form. It is, in every sense of the word, easy. Easy to wear, easy to style, and easy to wrap your head around after months of slumming it in the same old sweats day in and day out. Not entirely sold on the proposition? Try one out for yourself. Read More
The Best Winter Coats Will Keep You Warm, Dry, and Comfortable
Sure, it might seem a tad premature to be talking winter coats right now but—and I don't mean to be alarmist here—it's not premature to be talking winter coats. It's about to be fucking freezing out, and if you want avoid the type of coat-on-coat action rapper and noted layering enthusiast Lil Uzi Vert describes with glee, it's time you started thinking about copping a proper winter coat. And guess what? It ain't all "Canada Goose this" and "Canada Goose that" (although, okay, yes—the brand makes one hell of a parka). The ideal winter coat should be warm. It should protect you from wind, snow, sleet, and all sorts of nasty weather. And it should look halfway decent doing it. So much so, in fact, you won't look forward to those atypically warm days in the slightest. Sound like a tall order? Worry not. Because we tracked down some of the best options to buy now, long before that neighbor you secretly hate has the chance to scoop the one you had your eye on—ruining it for you forever—and you're forced to call an audible and go with a different choice in a moment of last-minute desperation. Read More
Is It Time to Get an Office Chair at Home? It's Time to Get an Office Chair at Home. Here are Our Favorites.
So. You've finally accepted that crouching over a coffee table, slouched in a wooden IKEA kitchen chair, an old pillow behind your back for lackluster support, is not the most effective way to get work done. Likely, the slow burn pain radiating through your back is not helping. All signs lead to getting an office chair, designed for office work, for your home office. Ideally, it'll be an office chair that's a step above the one you left behind in the actual office, which your company likely scored in bulk at a discount and whose levers don't work at all. These office chairs are adjustable to varying degrees. All but one have a mesh back, to cut down on back sweat in even the most trying Zoom meetings, and all but one swivel, to make them fun (and, sure, to allow for freer movements). They're the best you can get at any price range. Go pop an Advil to quell the back pain and then take a look. Read More
The White House Has Admitted Defeat on Controlling the Spread of Coronavirus
As the United States reaches a new stage in the COVID-19 crisis and hospitalizations spike in some parts of the country, the President of those United States began the week of October 26 with a stirring message: "The Fake News Media is riding COVID, COVID, COVID, all the way to the Election. Losers!" It was the latest iteration of his current message on the pandemic: that anyone voicing concerns about what's happening in much of the Great Plains and Midwest is perpetrating a Hoax against him, trying to harm his political prospects in the homestretch of the campaign. Elsewhere, the president suggested all talk of Covid will disappear on November 4, the day after the election. As if to drive home that the current administration will not concern itself with what is happening in reality, the White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows, just about gave up the game on Sunday, when he said "We're not going to control the pandemic." Politics Editor Jack Holmes on the gravity of that statement, and why it's the only approach the White House could take now. Read More
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