Thursday, October 01, 2020

Donald Trump and The 2020 Tax We’re All Still Paying

Donald Trump is the only one laughing this year, because we've all paid an enormous tax for his failures.
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The 2020 Tax
In 2020 we've already been taxed far in excess of anything the president will ever pay. There's the tax we've paid in American lives, more than 200,000 now, because of the president's refusal to focus on the coronavirus pandemic. There's the tax we've paid watching our jobs evaporate in the spring, the unemployment supplement disappear in the summer, and the absolute inability for Congress to get it together enough to send us another meager check to help make ends meet in the fall. There's the tax on black bodies, one that's paid in lives lost at the hands of police and the virus, dual pandemics that wound around each other like snakes this year, making it impossible to see where the injustice of one stopped and the other began.There's the tax our children will pay for years to come because no adults could put them first in dealing with the pandemic, shunting schools to the bottom of a list of reopenings that saw bars and crossfit gyms take precedence over our children's future and safety. The debts of all these taxes add up to the toll we all are paying now, as we see the entire year crumble away. Dan Sinker explains why Donald Trump is the only one laughing this year, because we've all paid an enormous tax for his failures. Read More
Lindsey Graham, Up to His Eyeballs in Imminent Retirement, Is Still Beating a Dead Horse
Quinnipiac released a poll of the South Carolina Senate race on Wednesday. In it, we discover that Lindsey Graham is up to his eyeballs in imminent retirement. The poll says that Huckleberry is tied, 48-all, with Democratic challenger Jaime Harrison. And what was Graham doing on Wednesday when this bad news was being delivered? He was bullyragging James Comey in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which Graham chairs. This is Graham's merely pounding away at the horse that has most recently died, and doing so, as he has done everything since 2017, at the behest of a president* to whom Graham seems willing to sacrifice both his self-respect and, perhaps, his job. Lindsey Graham is looking like just another subcontractor who does business with this guy and finds that he never gets paid. Read More
Yes, It's Time to Go Winter Coat Shopping. Here Are 18 We Love Right Now.
The ideal winter coat should be warm. It should protect you from wind, snow, sleet, and all sorts of nasty weather. And it should look halfway decent doing it. So much so, in fact, you won't look forward to those atypically warm days in the slightest. Sound like a tall order? Worry not. Because we tracked down some of the best options to buy now, long before that neighbor you secretly hate has the chance to scoop the one you had your eye on—ruining it for you forever—and you're forced to call an audible and go with a different choice in a moment of last-minute desperation. Don't let him have the last laugh. Read More
The 14 Best Amazon Prime Day Menswear Deals to Shop Before All Hell Breaks Loose
Prime Day, the retailer's hallmark event, is still very much happening—starting at 3 a.m. on Tuesday, October 13—and it remains a bellwether of what the platform has to offer when it comes to clothing. For now, Prime Day is still the retailer's biggest event by far, the opportune time to stock up on basic and not-so-basic pieces from menswear brands big and small alike. And until Amazon pivots to selling, like, custom Swarovski-encrusted evening gowns (what's half off "price on request"?!) it's not going anywhere. To help you navigate the metric ton of product available, we here at Esquire have taken it upon ourselves to put together a Prime Day primer, if you will, encompassing all the sweet, sweet, deals—many of which you can shop at this very moment!—you should be looking out for come 3 a.m. on Tuesday, October 13. (That's 3 A.M. sharp, people. No laggards.) See you in the trenches, folks. Read More
In the Nixon Years, Conspiracy Thrillers Reflected Our Anxious Times. Where Are They Now?
Richard Nixon's inevitable downfall, as pitiful and self-inflicted as it was, might have been a black eye for the country. But three thousand miles away in Hollywood, it was the stuff of popular mainstream entertainment—an excuse to turn our sins into lasting cinematic art. Compare that to today, where what qualifies as a downbeat ending is having a bunch of Marvel superheroes vanish into ashy dust only to be quickly resurrected in the sequel as if nothing inconvenient had ever happened. But all you have to do is scan the front page of The New York Times on any random day in 2020 to realize that the more things change, the more they stay the same, with Donald Trump cast as Nixon 2.0 in the villain role. So where are all of the movies that wrestle with our current moment the way that All the President's Men, The Parallax View, and Three Days of the Condor grappled with theirs? Chris Nashawaty asks, in a time of unprecedented mistrust of the government, why is Hollywood not making films like this? Read More
Esquire Just Launched Its First Membership Program. Here's Everything You Need to Know About Esquire Select.
For nearly 90 years, Esquire has been the home of award-winning journalism, big acts of storytelling, celebrity interviews, fashion advice, cultural commentary, cocktail recipes, and more. A lot has changed in the past nine decades. For one, the guy who was president when this magazine was founded created The New Deal. The guy who is president today created The...Space Force. But we digress. If you enjoy the work Esquire does every day online, and in every print issue, we're now asking you to chip in to support it. We've launched a membership program, and we're calling it Esquire Select. Esquire Select comes in many forms. Your membership will provide boundless access to what you already love about Esquire. But we're also adding a few things we hope will up the ante. This will allow us to make Esquire better—and that's what we promise to do. Here's everything you need to know, and everything you'll get with your membership. Read More
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