Friday, April 15, 2022

Damn, Senator Mike Lee's Texts Are Bad

In November 7, 2021, in texts obtained by CNN, Senator Mike Lee hit up White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, describing "a strategy to keep things alive and put several states back in play." This is not the language of people who've found solid evidence of widespread voter fraud that's led them, regrettably, to the conclusion that American elections were tampered with. This is the language of people who've arrived at a conclusion—Joe Biden's victory was illegitimate and Trump must be installed for another term—and are frantically searching for something to back it up. Two days later, Lee called Powell a "straight shooter" while continuing to push her as a candidate to represent Trump while he pursued "legal remedies" despite offering zero credible evidence the election was rigged. On November 10, Lee did come up with some babbling about vote-by-mail numbers in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

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