Wednesday, April 27, 2022

This Pillow Changed My Life

After a while, you start to believe you're the problem. In this case, "a while" is nearly 38 years. And what I'd started to believe was that it couldn't be the case that every damn pillow on the planet is terrible. The issue had to be me, I thought. One pillow left my head drooping downwards, putting an uncomfortable crick in my neck. Two or more pillows sent my neck craning towards the ceiling, causing the exact same problem, just in reverse. Down wasn't supportive enough. Memory foam slept too hot. It sucked. And then I got a Coop pillow. The Original, to be specific. I've tested it through restless and restful nights alike. And I'm not kidding when I say it changed everything. This pillow really is that good. I only wish I'd found it sooner.

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