Saturday, October 08, 2022

10 Killer Online Sales Happening Right Now

It's October, a month with quite a few unspoken rules to live by due to the changing weather and unforeseen seasonal mood swings. For starters, layering; you no longer need to be afraid of drenching yourself in sweat since the circumstance now allows you to suit yourself up in a coat. Then there's staying warm, involving anything from turning off the AC, letting in the sunlight, and heating up your home. And to gird your loins for the seasonal moodiness that might drop by as daylight shortens, a refresh is needed in your home and wardrobe (or just get a new haircut?). Really, this is the neat-o time to put "new month, new me" to the test. So take a look at our favorite picks of October deals below. One or two is enough to help you pull off a total fresh.

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