Thursday, October 20, 2022

The Chilling Reality of an Idiotic Supreme Court Ruling

You know the script: "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. . . ." That language, which amounts to federalized protection against self-incrimination, isn't just the well-worn words of every cop show; it may damn well be the heart of our criminal-justice system. For that system always-ever begins with someone interacting with an officer of the law, and that interaction always-ever includes questions. What makes Miranda so crucial is that, among the slew of protections granted by the Bill of Rights, the right to not self-incriminate is a snowflake, because the very fact of an arrest puts a person at a disadvantage to the state, not to mention the immense tension that attends Johnny Law scheming to make someone forget or forfeit their constitutional right. Go ahead—name another right that cops try to talk someone out of on the regular.

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