Monday, October 24, 2022

The Last Great Insult

Dork, I have come to learn, is the perfect insult for this precarious time in our culture. We are facing an onslaught of the mediocre, the relentless advance of the shameless. Reason, emotion, and in some cases the full weight of our justice system all seem to be powerless against them. Nothing we hurl at Ted Cruz or Anthony Kiedis will make them any less delighted with themselves. But if you can't shame them, you can at least make yourself smile. You can watch one of Donald Trump Jr.'s webcam rants and say, "Go to bed, dork." Calling someone a dork is a put-down that lifts you up. You feel good when you say it. It reconnects you to your playground self, a child filled with wonder and judgment. There are harsher insults—you know the ones—but they leave a stain on the user, whereas dork lets you get away clean.

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