Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Do Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio Look Comfortable on the Trump Train Here?

The two Republican senators betrayed their true feelings when they thought no one was looking.
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Do Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio Look Comfortable in Their Seats on the Trump Train?
As thoroughly as the Republican Party has given itself over to a president whose brain is rapidly atrophying due to a debilitating level of cable news consumption, there are signs the bootlickers who should know better now realize what they've gotten themselves into. Take Marco Rubio and Lindsey Graham. Once upon a time, these two Senators were relatively normal conservative Republicans: hardliners, especially on foreign policy, but with a human adult's grasp on reality. But then Trump won, and now they can both be found at the rally in Orlando, offering their public support for the same guy. Maybe they think Trump has been reformed—although, when the C-SPAN camera panned to the senators unbeknownst to them, it seems they might be a bit concerned about which train they jumped on. Read More
Prep Is Back—But It's Completely Different Than You Remember
Say the word "preppy" and it'll very likely conjure images of John F. Kennedy, early aughts Vampire Weekend, and maybe your favorite Vineyard Vines-bedecked finance bro. But over the last few years, a smattering of savvy menswear brands have taken what was once the provenance of Ivy League schools and East Coast regattas, and infused it with strains of skate, punk, hip-hop, and downtown grunge to create something far cooler, and far more inclusive. Read More
Jordan Peele Finally Explained What Was Really Going On With Adelaide's Son Jason in Us
Jordan Peele's Us is a vast network of references and symbolism. But one of the most-discussed theories after the movie was about what happened with Adelaide and her son Jason. Peele has finally revealed a little bit of what's actually going on there in the DVD commentary. Read More
Joe Biden Is One of the Most Tone-Deaf Politicians in the History of Representative Government
Wednesday is Juneteenth, the annual celebration held every 17th of June to commemorate the end of slavery in the state of Texas and, more generally, the decision by the nation, sealed in blood, that owning other human beings was no basis for a moral society. And what better way for a Democratic candidate for president in 20-freaking-19 to celebrate Juneteenth than to go before an audience of bankers and plutocrats and wax nostalgic for the days when you could "get things done" with segregationist monsters? Read More
The Clarks Originals You Didn't Even Know You Needed (Until Now)
At this point, it's become a right of passage. Getting ready for your first legit job? A big date? Simply want to upgrade your style a bit? Time for a pair of desert boots from Clarks Originals. Hell, there's even internet shorthand for them: "DBs." And while I'll never tell someone to shy away from DBs, right now there's another Clarks OG that you should be setting your sights on: the Wallabee. It's a little weird, entirely wonderful, and something you might not have even considered until this very moment. Here's why it deserves a spot in your closet. Read More
America Has a Favorite Batman and It's Definitely Not Val Kilmer
Robert Pattinson is officially our next Batman, despite backlash from overzealous fanboys. But the controversy is expected, considering everyone has an opinion on who should play Batman—including us! According to a new poll from The Hollywood Reporter/Morning Consult, America already has (two) favorite Dark Knights and neither of them are much like Pattinson. Read More
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