Friday, June 28, 2019

Kamala Harris Was Electric in the Second Debate

The elevators in the stomachs of Biden and his people free-fell down to their ankle bones.
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Kamala Harris Was Electric Taking on Joe Biden in the Second Democratic Debate
Well, DNC SummerSlam is over and, after two nights of this stuff, we can conclude swiftly that an actual presidential campaign has broken out. The second night featured an array of candidates from the forceful and commanding (Kamala Harris), to the mild and painfully earnest (Pete Buttigieg), to the utterly otherworldly (The Pompatus Of Love Herself, Marianne Williamson), all of whom had as their goal dressing Joe Biden in a lovely suit of cobwebs for a public mummification in front of a television audience. And it worked, and Biden and his people knew it worked, and that's why there is an actual campaign underway at last. Read More
Kate McKinnon Responds to the Democratic Debate With An Incredible Marianne Williamson Impression
After night two of the Democratic presidential debates, there were a few solid takeaways, but most memorable is the chaotic performance given by Marianne Williamson. The self-help author and antagonist of New Zealand provided some of the night's most quotable moments, and when a presidential nominee is worthy of being caricatured, there's only one woman tough enough for the job—Kate McKinnon. Read More
Urban Outfitters Is Having a Big Sale on Bright, Colorful Shorts Today
Bathing suits often get all the attention when it comes to fun prints or bright colors. But why should they? You don't have to wait until you're on the beach to try out a bold pair of shorts. So take the beach mentality to your shorts buying this summer. To make it easier, Urban Outfitters put a bunch of its very good (and very loud!) shorts on sale today. Here are 14 of our favorites from the bunch. Read More
Idris Elba Was 'Disheartened' By the Backlash Against a Black James Bond
For years, Idris Elba had fun with the will-he-or-won't-speculation about his much-hyped potential turn as James Bond. But a new interview with Vanity Fair revealed the sadly unsurprising fact that the star was never truly a contender for the role. And he said of the conversation: "You get people from a generational point of view going, 'It can't be.' And it really turns out to be the color of my skin." Read More
The 14 Best Denim Shirts to Upgrade Your Off-Duty Look
Denim shirts are one of the great wonders of the clothing world. They're casual but not too casual, so you can dress them up, down, and anywhere in between. In the summer, opt for denim shirts that have short sleeves, lighter fabrics, or bright coloring. When it's cooler, go for darker colors and long sleeves. Really, they're solid shirts all year long. Here are 14 of our favorites to shop right now. Read More
All The Funniest Tweets and Memes from the Second Night of Democratic Debates
Twenty Democratic candidates. Two nights. Seventeen months remaining. The 2020 campaign is already exhausting, and while it's important to take a somber assessment of all those who believe they are equipped to run against Donald Trump, it wouldn't be America if we didn't take a moment to make fun of some of the night's more ridiculous moments. Read More
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