Monday, June 03, 2019

The Mystery of Donald Trump's Gigantic Khakis

Donald Trump's latest pair of khakis is way too big, and we're trying to figure out why.
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Unpacking the Mystery of Donald Trump's Gigantic Khakis
We're in a golden age of men's pants. There's never been a better time, at least in recent memory, to try out a new style—especially when it comes to more voluminous fits. More on that in a moment, but now you know the basics of the situation. Want to take a guess at who might have missed this Very Important Style Memo? Do you even need to guess? Probably not. Because, yeah, it's Donald Trump. Read More
The Five Dress Shoes You Need to Know in 2019
A great pair of dress shoes isn't just a worthy investment, it's a necessity. Sneakers have their place, but there are times when they just won't do. Whether it's a wedding or a funeral, a job interview or a meeting with your boss's boss, some occasions demand footwear that's as refined as it is timeless. Here are the five dress shoe styles every guy needs to know right now. Read More
All of the Central Park Five Suffered Terribly. But One of Their Stories Was Especially Horrific.
The stories of each of the Central Park Five are tragic. In 1989, the teenagers were coerced into confessing to a horrifying rape in the city's famous park, and were later falsely convicted despite a lack of physical evidence. But while the four younger boys, Antron McCray, Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam, and Raymond Santana, served their time in juvenile facilities before being transferred to adult jails at age 21, one of the boys served both the longest and harshest sentence. The eldest, 16-year-old Korey Wise, portrayed masterfully by Jharrel Jerome in Netflix's When They See Us, served more than 13 years in violent adult prisons. Read More
35 Questions About Ma, Octavia Spencer's Absolutely Bonkers Teen Horror Movie
We're in a golden age of horror. Films like Get Out, A Quiet Place, and Hereditary proved once and for all that genre films could be smart, scary, and cohesive. Ma is... not exactly any of those things. The hokey, '80s slasher-style story is buoyed by Octavia Spencer's measure-perfect performance. Here, she gets her revenge for every dully maternal character she's ever played, every sassy nurse. And the supporting cast of adults—which includes Juliette Lewis, Luke Evans, and Allison Janney—is amazing. Still, Ma left us with a few questions. Read More
125 People Posed Nude in Front of Facebook's New York Office to Protest Its Ban on Female Nipples
Male celebrities donated images of their nipples for artist Spencer Tunick's latest installation, the #WeTheNipple campaign. Esquire's Sarah Rense goes behind the scenes as the male and female participants strip down in the middle of Manhattan to protest Facebook and Instagram guidelines which allow images of male nipples but not female ones. Read More
Donald Trump Has Sparked at Least Two International Incidents Since He Left for the U.K.
Our large adult president is on the loose again. It's been one of those days already, as he watched The New York Times expose his Transportation Secretary as another Swamp Creature with a leading role in The Great American Heist, and he watched the Son-in-Law-in-Chief faceplant repeatedly in an Axios interview. But Donald Trump, American president, has the chance to escape all those petty concerns around "ethics" and "corruption" and "racism," because he's headed to beautiful Londontown. The United Kingdom has, for some reason, agreed to take him in for a state visit. Of course, the president insulted the mayor of London before Air Force One even landed. Read More
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