Monday, June 24, 2019

Leaked Documents Show Trump's Cabinet Is As Messy As You Thought

Unfortunately, none of what Axios got hold of is at all surprising.
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Leaked Documents Prove Trump's Cabinet Is as Big of a Mess as We All Knew It Was
Axios got a leak of documents like you dream about over the weekend. Hell, they got a leak like Seymour Hersh would dream about. Somebody handed over the vetting materials prepared by the transition team at Camp Runamuck, which rhymes with clusterf*ck, which is what it was. But the real tragedy in all of this is that there is nothing in any of these documents that wasn't obvious during the Cabinet confirmation hearings into all of these boobs and rounders. Read More
Looking for a High-End Watch? Think Square.
Circular watch faces may be the standard, but who ever said standard was the only way to go? If you're looking for a new high-end watch—one that stands out, but does it with subtlety—a squared-off timepiece might be exactly what you need. And thanks to trustworthy secondhand sources like Crown & Caliber, you don't have to rely on the vagaries of the market at any given time. Instead, you can shop around for newer and older styles at once, and pick what you like best. Here are five of our favorites to buy right now. Read More
Mike Pence's Climate-Change Two-Step Shows Removing Trump Won't Fix the Republican Party's Issues
Despite what you might hear from one Democratic presidential candidate in particular, getting Donald Trump out of the world's most powerful job is not some magic potion that will cure the Republican Party's various ills. Trump is a very good representation of the party as currently constituted, because the party has been moving in this direction for decades and because, thanks to some combination of cowardice and cynicism and greed and ambition, pretty much every Republican has agreed to defend everything he says and does—or say nothing at all. If you need proof of that, check out his vice president on Jake Tapper's State of the Union yesterday. Read More
Marshall's Stockwell II Bluetooth Speaker Has Excellent Sound and Rockstar Vibes
Bluetooth speakers are like watches. Your first one is small, dinky, and cheap. You slowly upgrade as you get older, wiser, and less cash-strapped. Eventually, you get one that breaches the hundred-dollar barrier. It works well, but it isn't exactly a centerpiece. Finally, you get to the point where you really care, and you want one that's hands-down impressive. I can't advise you on watches. But I can tell you which Bluetooth speaker to buy that meets these criteria: Marshall's new Stockwell II speaker. Read More
Every Single Adam Sandler Movie, Ranked From Worst to Best
Most young adults today had their young comedy minds shaped by Adam Sandler movies. Whether it was Happy Gilmore or Waterboy or Billy Madison, Sandler's peak came at a formidable time in the lives of millennials and Gen X. But as we grew up, Sandler stayed the same, cranking out his juvenile, sometimes problematic, sometimes brilliant jokes for going on three decades. It hasn't all been good—in fact a majority of it hasn't been. Though the memorable times are truly memorable, making Sandler our favorite film equivalent of junk food. Read More
The Exonerated Five Made a Triumphant Appearance at the BET Awards
The men known for decades as the Central Park Five—Antron McCray, Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam, Raymond Santana, and Korey Wise—have taken a new collective moniker. In the wake of the renewed attention Ava DuVernay's When They See Us has brought to their case, the men have taken on a new, more celebratory nickname: The Exonerated Five. Together they took the stage at Sunday's BET awards, introducing a performance by H.E.R with a short speech that found the five men each sharing the mic. "We don't know where our journeys will take us, or how they will collide with others," said McCray. "I didn't know that one day would bond me to these men for the rest of our lives," Richardson continued. "But I know that in telling our truth, our lives have been changed forever," said Salaam. Read More
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