Friday, June 21, 2019

Trump's Autobiographical Tale of Avoiding War

The United States president proudly says he did not ask whether a strike would cause casualties until 10 minutes before it was set to go ahead.
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Trump's Autobiographical Tale of Avoiding War in Iran Is Bizarre and Unsettling
Everybody complains that The Media talks too much about The Tweets, but then the president announces decisions on war and peace with The Tweets so we've got to talk about The Tweets. And let me tell ya, these tweets are fucking nuts. For instance, on a Thursday night in June, he veered towards—then veered away from—a war with Iran. Read More
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Everywhere can be your office now, which is mostly great—except for when you have to cart your office around with you. Namely, that laptop. You need a bag to keep it protected and out of the way without looking like, you know, a laptop bag. Luckily, there are plenty of options out there right now. Here are the 14 best laptop bags to shop now. Read More
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Murder Mystery is absolutely smashing Netflix records. Because all Netflix movies are created by an all-knowing corporate algorithm, it has successfully paired two universally beloved movie stars—Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston—with pop culture's current obsession with murder mysteries. And honestly, if you're even mildly interested in any of these things—Sandler, Aniston, a whodunnit—Murder Mystery isn't the biggest waste of an hour-and-a-half. But we were left with a lot of questions, including—but not limited to—who actually was the killer and what is the real difference between Claritin and Allegra? Read More
Clarence Thomas Just Left Another Landmine, This Time in First Amendment Law
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Former Bond Director Danny Boyle Thinks Robert Pattinson Should Be the Next 007
Robert Pattinson pissed off a whole bunch of fanboys last month when he was named the next Batman, and now Danny Boyle, who was originally slated to write and direct Bond 25, would like him to enrage an entirely new fanbase. In an interview with The Guardian, Boyle dream cast Pattinson as the next James Bond. Read More
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