Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Jon Stewart Had Some Very Pointed Words for Mitch McConnell on 'Colbert'

The ex-Daily Show host met up with his old friend Stephen Colbert on The Late Show.
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Jon Stewart Went Right at Mitch McConnell for Using 9/11 First Responders' Healthcare as a 'Political Pawn'
Mitch McConnell has scarcely ever disgraced the institution of our democracy more than in his political wrangling over the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund. Jon Stewart would know, as he's gone to battle for the first responders to get the program renewed each time funding their care comes up in Congress. And he's fighting again. He testified before a House committee earlier this month and shamed the members who couldn't even find the time in their schedule to show up. His pressure helped a new bill through the House in relatively short order, but even in that testimony he hinted at the bill's number-one obstacle: McConnell. Stewart drove the point home Monday night alongside his old friend Stephen Colbert on The Late Show. Read More
Taylor Swift's 'You Need to Calm Down' Video Is Strangely Both Gay and Sexless
Praise with a delicious, creamy swirl of savagery has been a part of the gay experience for a much longer time than "yaaas kween." Though it is at odds with the stan culture that has ruined Twitter, a jaundiced eye is part of the deal with the gays. There's more to life on our side of the street than kikis and Queer Eye cameos; you can't just take Adam Rippon and leave the rest. I mention this because Taylor Swift dropped the video for "You Need to Calm Down," and I'm not sure I know what being gay even is anymore. I thought it was about sex and love, but apparently it's about wearing bold colors and worshipping pop stars. You live and learn! Read More
6 Design-Forward Items That'll Elevate Your Lifestyle
Created by Esquire for Rado Switzerland
There's no shortage of innovative, well-designed stuff on the market, which can make shopping for the guy with aesthetically-refined tastes pretty overwhelming. Our advice? Consider the things you interact with most often—your electronics, your wristwatch, your homewares—then upgrade accordingly. Here are a few suggestions to get you started. Read More
The 15 Best Rugby Shirts to Bring a Big Dose of Fun Into Your Wardrobe
Rugby shirts have arrived with a vengeance this season. The shirt is a classic, but it's gotten a major overhaul recently. There are throwback versions that are great, of course. But there are also new colors, prints, and detailing we normally might not associate with rugbies—which is what makes them so welcome. They're fun. Very fun. Here are the 15 best rugby shirts to shop right now. Read More
In Defending Kyle Kashuv, Conservatives Are Once Again Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud
Right-wing commentators have periodic flare-ups about lefty campus censorship run amok. They praise the importance of a free market of ideas, and paint progressive student activists as near-mythological bogeymen, forever triggered, always in need of a safe space. In the past, they coalesced around folks like Condoleezza Rice, defending her supposed right to bring her philosophy of American military imperialism to graduation ceremonies. But the latest campus censorship debate isn't about expressing conservative ideology in an educational setting. It's about the right of Kyle Kashuv, a teen who gleefully used racial slurs, to go to Harvard. Read More
An Expert on Concentration Camps Says That's Exactly What the U.S. Is Running at the Border
Esquire's Jack Holmes talks to experts and historians about the detention centers at the southern border. "We have what I would call a concentration camp system," says Andrea Pitzer, author of One Long Night: A Global History of Concentration Camps," and the definition of that in my book is, mass detention of civilians without trial." Read More
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