Saturday, June 08, 2019

The Five Dress Shoes You Need to Know

And where to buy them at every price point.
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The Five Dress Shoes You Need to Know in 2019
A great pair of dress shoes isn't just a worthy investment, it's a necessity. Sneakers have their place, but there are times when they just won't do. Whether it's a wedding or a funeral, a job interview or a meeting with your boss's boss, some occasions demand footwear that's as refined as it is timeless. With that in mind, here are the five dress shoe styles every guy needs to know right now. Read More
38 Father's Day Gift Ideas for the Coolest Dad Around
Shopping for men is hard. Shopping for the perfect gift for dads is even harder. And with Father's Day this year on June 16, it really is crunch time. You know what's not cool? A gift card. So get to shopping with these 38 great gifts for dad this Father's Day. If you throw a nice message in a Father's Day card too, you'll be golden. Read More
The Eight Best Movies Hitting Theaters in June
June has a strange slate of movies coming out. If you look at the description on paper, there are really only about two-and-a-half original ideas below. Everything else is a reboot or remake of something that's come before it. But the thing is, when you look at the movies themselves, it looks like a banger of a June. Men in Black is getting its 2019 glow up, while Aubrey Plaza looks like a perfecting casting choice for 2019's take on Child's Play. And if you're already missing Game of Thrones, Sophie Turner is happy to swoop in as the dangerously rogue (it's a pun!) Jean Grey. In short, don't trust the noise: it's going to be a great summer at the movies. Read More
Casper's Glow Lights Are the No-BS Answer to Better Sleep
Sleep is a million-dollar market these days. That makes sense—it's the one thing we all crave but can never quite get enough of. Recently, one of the era's trendiest direct-to-consumer mattress brands, Casper, made the leap from bedding to bedside sleep-assistance with Glow Lights (yes, that's their proper name). Glow Lights use very warm, comforting light housed in a palm-sized translucent cylinder to mimic the setting or rising sun. The effect is exactly as wholesome and natural as it sounds. The lights calm you down before bedtime and gently wake you the next morning. And they're dead simple to use. Read More
The Best Bars in America, 2019
Bars in America are changing, and we believe that's a good thing. Macho posturing and mixologist preening are on the way out. Wine bars are on the rise, and so are alcohol-free options. The watering holes that we honor here, on our annual list, are the ones that we think do the best job of deepening a sense of community and making everyone feel at home … while also pouring exactly what you need. Read More
How to Make a Daiquiri
Don't get out the blender. For a Daiquiri, you won't need it. Though the Daiquiri is most often seen in slushie form, often injected with strawberry flavoring, it's really a simple cocktail. There are three ingredients: white rum (although some prefer it with dark), sugar, and lime, shaken over ice and then strained into a chilled cocktail glass straight up. All the ingredients are of tropical decent, so it's fair to categorize the Daiquiri as a drink best served under palm leaves. But with sugar, rum for earthy sweetness, and fresh lime juice for tart counterbalance, it's always good, in any locale. And all you really need for it besides what you have stocked in the kitchen is a bottle of really good rum. Here's how to make this essential, indomitable classic rum cocktail. Read More
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