Monday, January 04, 2021

Dick Cheney Signed This Thing. That’s Scary Enough.

You couldn't get all 10 living Secretaries of Defense together to sign off on a breakfast order. But they've published an op-ed that is just as scary for what it doesn't say.
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Join Our Club in 2021 and We'll Send You Something in Return (It's a Magazine)
Now that you're settled into a new year, why not do something for number one? If you love the work we do here at Esquire, it's time you joined our new club, Esquire Select. It's the perfect way to kick off 2021, because you'll be heading into the new year equipped with essential knowledge of our political landscape, an edge on what to wear for your great re-emergence, the cultural currency of talking points on what everyone's watching (and drinking) in the meantime, and more. With your membership, you'll get an annual subscription to the print magazine, unlimited access to—including Politics with Charles P. Pierce, a weekly members-only newsletter, access to exclusive deals from our favorite brands, and more. It's the best money you'll spend on yourself all year. Read More
This Op-Ed From 10 Former Secretaries of State Is Scary for What It Doesn't Say
Charles P. Pierce admits, the op-ed signed by 10 former Secretaries of State unnerved him quite a bit, more for what it doesn't say than for what it says, and what it says is bad enough. You couldn't get these guys together to sign off on a breakfast order, let alone an op-ed in which they tell the incumbent president* to get stuffed. Unless, of course, one or several of them know something that scares the daylights out of them. And if you start putting the context together—the decapitation of the civilian leadership at the Pentagon in favor of unqualified cronies, the current blustering centered on Iran, the simple fact that Trump is capable of anything—it's easy to concoct scenarios that are halfway between Seven Days In May and Duck Soup. This group did not get together in order to defend some vague love for the constitutional order. Something made them go cold down to their toes. Read More
You Don't Need a New Year's Resolution to Reap the Benefits of Lululemon's Massive Overstock Sale
If resolution numero uno was whipping yourself into shape this year (no gym, no problem!) we've got just the sale for you. Right now, Lululemon is taking healthy discounts on an abundance of performance-ready riches, all primed to help you stick to that new workout regimen—or at least help you do a plausible impression of someone who is. From the perfect training shorts the brand's famous for to more (gasp) fashion-y fare courtesy of its forward-looking Lab collection, there's enough here to ensure you stay committed to the grind until at least the end of the month. Read More
What We're Buying From Mr Porter's Massive Sale
The days immediately following the holidays are always a rollercoaster of emotions. Maybe you gleefully unwrapped exactly what you wanted this weekend, or maybe you woke up to nothing but disappointment underneath that tree. Whatever camp you fall into, Mr Porter's end of season sale has you covered. Grown-up children with parents who really flubbed it now desperate to make it up to you? Direct them here! Parents with grown-up children who didn't buy anything at all now looking for a last-minute shot at redemption? Look no further! Mr. Porter's infamous sale offers fun for the whole family—if you can muster the energy to sift through the site's seemingly endless array of rock-solid discounted menswear, that is. So ready yourselves accordingly. Double-check your modem connection. Start upping your electrolyte intake. Or screw all that. Because in true holiday spirit, we already sifted through the whole lot for you. Which means your chances of stumbling across a grail-level jacket at bargain-bin pricing just got way higher, bucko. The newfangled sneakers you told yourself you don't need? The swanky designer garms you've wanted since you spotted 'em strutting down the catwalk on a model half your age? Mr Porter's got it all, and for a fraction of its usual price—up to 50 percent off, in fact. Read More
The Most Anticipated Movies of 2021
It is a bitter irony that in a year where much of the world was trapped inside, there were few major studio movies to keep us somewhat distracted during long months of quarantine. The coronavirus pandemic halted the release and production of most films throughout 2020, delaying filming and release dates. Streaming services like Amazon and Hulu and Netflix provided some entertainment with an impressive backlog of titles that were never intended as theatrical releases. However, there was still something of that big-budget Hollywood movie magic missing. Many new blockbusters ranging from superhero, to thriller and fantasy, were pushed from 2020 to next year (or later) due to the pandemic. But, as we hold out for a (hopeful!) vaccine as the coronavirus continues to surge in America, we can look ahead to 2021 as the year in entertainment that could be. Right now, the 2021 movie release schedule, looks to bring a very welcome surge of big titles back to the theaters. With releases from Wes Anderson, Steven Spielberg, Marvel, and James Bond—2021 could be a massive year in movies. Let's just keep our masks on, and our fingers crossed that we can get back to the theaters. Read More
Once Again: It's Time to Impeach the President in the Lame Duck. He Will Never Stop This.
On November 19, 2020, we suggested the president may need to be impeached in the lame-duck period on the basis that he will never stop trying to steal the election and, even if he fails, that he will do untold damage to the country leading up to January 20. In the time since, he has reportedly discussed—in the Oval Office—instituting martial law in order to force a Mulligan Election. Even before the SecDefs popped up, the Secretary of the Army felt compelled to issue a statement declaring the U.S. military won't be doing Coup Things. The president should be impeached and removed from office as soon as possible. Then state and federal authorities should gather evidence around what he has done and, if the evidence supports it, prosecute him for any crimes committed to the fullest extent of the law. There must be consequences, writes Politics Editor Jack Holmes. Read More
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