Friday, January 01, 2021

The Best Post-Holiday Sales Are Still Going Strong

Don't miss out on the most impressive end-of-season deals the internet has to offer.
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The Best After-Christmas Sales Are Still Going Strong
It's high time you ditch the family and spend some time with your real loved ones: the clothes you buy and then never wear, because the only thing any of us wear these days is (drumroll please)...sweatpants. Below is a comprehensive list of all the best menswear sales happening now—along with a few of our favorite picks from the whole lot—which are newly updated now that we've walked off our own holiday hangovers. Happy shopping, ya filthy animal. Read More
The Best Comedies to Stream On Netflix Right Now
This year has been less than comedic, to say the least. Sometimes the best way to cope with a tough reality is by escaping, even if for a few hours. And what better way than throwing on Netflix and watching a comedy? Their extensive list varies from sweet and heartwarming dramedies to cheeky and raunchy films. Rather than sorting through the entire list of titles, scroll through our list of the best comedies on Netflix the next time you're in need of a good laugh. Read More
The Swankiest Pajamas Help Make Whiling the Day Away as Stylish as Any Formal Event
There's never been a better time to embrace the transformative power of the elevated PJ set. Sick and tired of whiling the day away wearing the same old pair of ratty sweats? While the day away in pajamas so swanky no one would dare call you out for wearing them, no matter how formal the virtual occasion. To paraphrase one instantly iconic paean to the style: Sorry I'm in pajamas, but—in full disclosure—I just hopped off the PJ. Sometimes you have to do it to 'em. So this winter, take a page out of The Irishman book of dressing and cop yourself the PJs your weary body deserves. To help you get started, here are 15 of the best pairs of pajamas on the market today so you, too, can look like a paragon of gracefully-aging Hollywood royalty (even if you're not exactly living like one). Read More
The Best, Most High-Tech Online Workout Subscriptions for a Healthier 2021
We don't have to tell you that the last 365 days torpedoed a lot of good intentions right out of the water, including many intentions about health and fitness. With gyms closed, and then open but questionable, some people built home gyms in their tiny apartments. Some people diversified their equipment at home so they wouldn't get bored senseless with the same exercise day-in and day-out. Some people spelunked through the internet's free options (if you have not been welcomed into the warm cocoon of calm that is a Yoga With Adriene video, get on it). Some people just plain gave up. But with the whole "new year, new you, new president, new economy, new everything" aspirations, you might be interested in a more serious home workout option—one that pairs high-tech gear with smart trackers with realtime guidance with monthly subscriptions to personal trainers. Here, we've gathered up eight online workout subscriptions that showcase the latest and greatest in homebound fitness; three are even winners of an Esquire Gadget Award. And considering the timing, many are running sales for New Year's resolution makers. Summon up those good health intentions and take a look. Read More
The 10 Truly Unforgettable Fits We Couldn't Stop Thinking About This Year
When lockdown orders went into effect across the country earlier this past spring, the smash-hit series Celebrity Street Style: Another Picture of Someone Named Chris! seemed destined to go on temporary hiatus. The cottage industry that sprang up around documenting every famous guy-worn designer gem and yet-unreleased sneaker suddenly appeared doomed to become another casualty of a virus that continues to wreak havoc around the world. The once steady stream of eagle-eyed pap shots culled from the cultural capitals of the world slowed to a trickle—then stopped entirely as celebs hunkered down in their capacious Beverly Hills enclaves and did their part to flatten the curve (or at least pretended to). In retrospect, we shouldn't have worried. Because faced with the grim reality of a global pandemic, the world's most beguiling dressers simply found new ways to get those fits off. Deprived of their usual outlets for creative expression, some took to the timeline to document their increasingly wild homebound looks, while others used every outdoor excursion, no matter how trivial, as an opportunity to flex—and flex hard. The humble streets of cities across the globe took on a significance on par with the swankiest red carpet event. Otherwise mundane grocery store runs suddenly yielded photoshoot-worthy looks. Serendipitous trips to the corner store resulted in some of the best outfits of the year. And all of them provided a soothing balm for eyes made bleary from doomscrolling, offering a comforting simulacrum of normal life in otherwise abnormal times. Read More
Nordstrom's Half-Yearly Sale Includes the Kitchen Items and Cookware You Dream About
The rush is over. Phone calls and video calls made, things unwrapped, food eaten, cocktails drank, driveway shoveled. Now, it's that weird middle-holiday lull, where you might be pretending to work or not working at all as you look ahead to the new year. In other words, it's a good time to shop for all the stuff you didn't get for Christmas. And one of the best after-Christmas sales is the one that's happening over at Nordstrom, with its Half-Yearly event. Nordstrom's Half-Yearly sale covers it all—clothing, accessories, some tech, home goods—but most exciting is arguably its deals on kitchen items, since that's where we live now: in the kitchen. We're all homegrown foodies in 2020. Check below for the standout picks, including Staub Dutch ovens, Le Creuset cast iron, and other meal-changing cookware. Read More
Check out the 6 essential, mobile-friendly, dumbbell workouts that you can take anywhere.
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