Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The Defining Photos of the Trump Presidency

As the 45th president's term comes to a close, we remember some of the defining photographic moments of his time.
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The Defining Photos of the Trump Era: It Was Even Weirder Than You Remember
Donald Trump is many things: a twice-impeached American president, a Businessman who makes Business Deals, a degenerate narcissist, an admitted sexual predator, a conspiracy theorist, a lover of fast food, a snake-oil salesman, the most famous person who ever lived, a servant of Mammon, an inciter of insurrection, and a guy who had a genuinely nuanced take on the killing of Harambe. But in addition to all that, the 45th president is undeniably one of the great photography subjects of all time. Trump is an outrageous physical phenomenon, from the clown makeup to the bizarro mannerisms, who through his superhuman imperviousness to shame and bottomless lust for attention is constantly sashaying his otherworldly form into absurd and striking photo ops. By nature, he also attracts a cast of strange and unscrupulous characters around him and, combined with the disastrous and impulsive and wicked and often inexplicable decisions that defined his time as a candidate and a president, the era he dominated became a treasure trove of photographic content with a capital 'C'. The right collection of photos could come to be, in its way, as defining an account of his time in the brightest of spotlights as any weighty tome. You've just stumbled on an attempt at that very enterprise. Are we missing any? Feel free to let us know in the comments below. But here's a first draft of a very unfortunate chunk of history. Read More
Fear for the Republic
Fear for the republic—the American one, writes Politics Editor Jack Holmes on the day Donald Trump leaves office. The door is open now, and in the Information Age, events that in Caesar's time might have occupied a great, sweeping chunk of human history have been condensed into a few years, months, days, hours. It may only take one more ambitious politician who's learned all the wrong lessons from Donald Trump to drag us all into the darkness. The task that falls to Joe Biden is clear, if not simple: break down the runaway power of capital and monopoly while materially improving the lives of working people, all in four years. It's hard work staying out of the abyss. Read More
It's Exactly the Right Time to Buy Ralph Lauren's Iconic Flag Sweater
Unbridled patriotic enthusiasm hasn't exactly been en vogue as of late. If the first image that comes to mind when you think of the term is of a half-naked white supremacist in a viking hat storming the Capitol, you're probably not alone. So it might be time to reconsider your relationship with your long-lost sense of national pride. Today, Joe Biden will begin his term as the 46th President of the United States. For many Americans, his inauguration represents a welcome respite from the everyday horrors his predecessor wantonly courted—or, at the very least, a return to some semblance of pre-Trump normalcy. In the midst of all this—gestures vaguely at wildly unkempt apartment, styrofoam takeout boxes littered across the floor—it can be hard making out any silver linings. So if you're jonesing to get in on the spirit of the day without impulse buying the sort of saccharine political merchandise that looks dated the moment it arrives, there are few better options than Ralph Lauren's Iconic Flag sweater, a fixture of the designer's collections for decades and a purchase you won't regret making come this time next year. Read More
Amazon Is Having an Unannounced Sale on All of Your Favorite Apple Products
You can finally buy an Apple watch for an affordable price and have it in your hands by tomorrow evening—you don't even have to leave your bed. (Although you might want to get a feel of what it's like to get your steps in.) If you've been thinking about taking the plunge on the cult favorite AirPods, a new iPad, and so much more, now is absolutely the time to check out of that shopping cart. If you keep up with the news of Apple products, you know that these deals don't last for long. The latest Airpods Pro are discounted down to $219 from $249. You know, the ones that feature active noise cancellation for immersive sound and offer 24 hours of battery life with their charging case. Read More
The Best of Nonalcoholic Drinks—Cocktails, Spirits, Beer, and Beyond—for When the Mood Strikes
Cocktails are art. Beer is tradition. Wine is ritual. And a stiff drink is like self-reflection juice. It's a lot to give up, and we've got plenty of respect for anyone making the call to lessen or altogether eliminate their presence, whether for a dry month, a dry year, or a dry lifetime. People come to the nonalcoholic lifestyle for different reasons, have been for years, but the difference in the last half-decade or so is that the nonalcoholic lifestyle isn't passively sitting off to the side, half-heartedly offering a Beck's. It's actively beckoning, and the "come hither" is a vast (and growing vast-er) array of nonalcoholic drink options—the kinds of bottles and cans exploding off of social media ads and out of curated lifestyle feeds. These are the most interesting nonalcoholic brands and bottles out there right now, across a range of drinks categories. Nearly all are available to order online (and way less of a pain to have delivered than alcoholic drinks). Consider it your starter pack to zero-ABV drinking, the one that'll prove to you that nonalcoholic cocktails are artistry unto themselves, that nonalcoholic beer can become tradition, just as nonalcoholic wine can be its own ritual. And while you wouldn't call a pour of a nonalcoholic spirit "stiff," it'll still give you something to think about. Read More
Make 2021 the Year You Join Our Club—We'll Send You Something (It's a Magazine)
But that's not all you'll get by joining Esquire Select, our new membership program. In addition to an annual print subscription, you'll also get unlimited access to all of—including Politics with Charles P. Pierce and every Esquire story ever published via Esquire Classic. Plus, we'll send you a weekly, subscribers-only email, and give you exclusive access to deals and discounts from our favorite brands. It's just one way your year is sure to be better than the last—we guarantee it. Read More
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