Thursday, January 28, 2021

How One Redditor Sparked the GameStop Revolution

Here's everything you need to be equipped for the inevitable conversation about short squeezes, Game Stop, Robinhood, and WallStreetBets.
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How One Redditor Sparked the Wall Street Meltdown Everyone's Talking About
News about the stock market rarely crosses over into the cultural mainstream, and historically when that's happened, it's meant some catastrophic financial event has taken place. (See: The housing and stock market crashes of 2008.) But the stock market is the single biggest news story right now, financial or otherwise, due to a group of Reddit shitlords pumping up a collection of stocks and pushing some billion-dollar financial institutions to the brink of bankruptcy. How did this all start? And can you get in on the action? Here, John McDermott explains how the "WallStreetBets" group came to power, and how they're wielding their collective capacity to troll the stock market—and make millions of dollars doing it. Read More
The Best Watches You Can Get for Under $100 Right Now
You no longer need to be a hotshot scion of inherited wealth—or, hell, an overnight GameStop millionaire—to scoop the watch of your dreams. Because thanks to Amazon's hefty selection of affordable timepieces, you can now snag some of the best watches around for well under a hundred bucks, or about a tenth of what the newest iPhone will cost you at retail. The choice is an easy one, really. Sure, Amazon might not be the first name that comes to mind when you think of top-of-the-line timepieces, but The Everything Store's horology game is no laughing matter. I'm talking an enviable selection of styles from big names like Timex and Seiko, plus an excellent supply of harder to find brands, too. Scroll through below to see all the styles worth ditching your phone for, and then make moves—fast. Clock's ticking, folks. Read More
The Best On-Sale Menswear for Less Than $250
For the discerning bargain-hunter, shopping online is like deciding what to order at a restaurant you've already been to, like, every day for the last five years straight. So—if you'll indulge the analogy a tad longer—allow us to advise you on the house specialties.These are some of the sweetest deals you can get your thoroughly rinsed hands on right this very moment—and all for below 250 bucks. Go on, treat yourself to something nice(ly discounted). Read More
The Oculus Quest 2 Is (Finally) Back in Stock—and It Lives Up to the Hype
If you tried to get your hands on the Quest 2 over the holidays, you may have been left with a bad taste in your mouth, as it was sold out and doomed to the scalpers, but a new year, a new administration, and a new age for escaping reality are upon us. Everyone, and I mean everyone, can get something worthwhile out of this headset, which is all stocked up right now. Here's why it earned an Esquire Endorsement, and why we think this is the product that makes VR fun for anyone—we're not just saying that. Read More
You Can Get Apple Airpods Pro for Under $200 on Amazon Right Now
What is the first thing you reach for every morning? For some, it might be their phone or a gargantuan cup of coffee. But for many, it's their headphones. Whether you're dialing into a Zoom call, in need of a good playlist to get the day started, or hoping to tune out your noisy roommate, a good pair is integral to any WFH setup. Since we'll be working from home for the foreseeable future, now's a better time than any to upgrade your current pair. Fortunately, Amazon is taking $50 off Apple's AirPods Pro earbuds right now. So, what are you doing still reading this? Go on, grab a pair. Read More
The New York Times Has Tied Itself Into Knots With This One
For all the griping about the interviews with people in midwest diners, there was a lot of tough reporting on the previous administration*. You have to admit that it was a target-rich environment. So, when the election came, and the various thieves and mountebanks were turfed out, we all had a pretty good idea what would happen. The people who run and edit and program major news outlets were going to look at all the great, meaty coverage and, instead of feeling proud of their part in running the worst presidency* in American history out of town, and acting out of the insecurity that has been bred into the news biz ever since Spiro Agnew ran amok in the early 1970s, they would go out of their way to show that they hadn't been acting out of partisan malice. That ridiculous New York Times story about Joe Biden's watch was Exhibit A. Now comes the NYT with an even more obvious example. You can read newspapers for 50 years and not see a newspaper tie itself in knots the way the Times does in this editorial. Here's Charles P. Pierce on how The Times suggests that the new president keep one foot in political reality and the other on a banana peel—and why this is no way to run a democratic republic. Read More
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