Thursday, January 14, 2021

The 15 Shoes Every Guy Should Own

From poolside slides to the perfect brogues, these are the styles you'll turn to time and time again.
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Make 2021 the Year You Join Our Club—We'll Send You Something (It's a Magazine)
But that's not all you'll get by joining Esquire Select, our new membership program. In addition to an annual print subscription, you'll also get unlimited access to all of—including Politics with Charles P. Pierce and every Esquire story ever published via Esquire Classic. Plus, we'll send you a weekly, subscribers-only email, and give you exclusive access to deals and discounts from our favorite brands. It's just one way your year is sure to be better than the last—we guarantee it. Read More
Everyone Needs a Solid Shoe Rotation. Here's How to Start Building Yours.
The truth is, you shouldn't need an enormous closet to store all your shoes. (And you definitely shouldn't need one that big just for sneakers.) As cinematic as it may seem, there's no reason one man should ever have enough shoes to fill an entire damn closet, let alone one the size of most small apartments. This year, resolve to finally take stock of your consumption habits by whittling down your shoe collection to a tightly edited rotation of styles you actually wear. Take the time to figure out what sparks the most joy and then track down the best version of it. Sure, all of those pithy bromides about "buying less" and "buying better" might sound a bit cliched at this point, but they've stuck around for a reason: there's more than a few kernels of truth mixed in there. These are the 15 shoes every guy can build his entire wardrobe around. Read More
The 15 Best Cable Knit Sweaters to Turn You Into a Bona Fide 'Sweater Guy'
You've stocked up on cardigans. Made your peace with crewnecks. Maybe even considered vests. But cable knits? Man, cable knits hit different. Everything looks better as a cable knit. In the grand matrix of dueling social media platforms, the cable knit sits somewhere between LinkedIn and Instagram—sexy enough to warrant posting to the latter but smart enough to be appropriate on the former. So feast your eyes on some of the best cable knits money can buy and then mull over your decision. Read More
The Best Cold-Weather Running Gear to Keep Your Routine on Track This Winter
This winter, be the change you want to see in the world. (Or at least, like, buy it.) Why not ditch the treadmill you ordered at the beginning of lockdown in a delusional and laughably short-lived burst of motivation and tackle the elements head on? Yes, it can get chilly, and maybe a little bit wet. But when done right, safely venturing out into the world—to the streets, to the trails, or to the tracks—can be a far more engaging way of getting in those steps than toiling away in claustrophobic agony indoors. Provided, of course, you kit yourself out appropriately. Here's we've curated a list of the best running gear out there. Read More
The Republican Performance at the Impeachment Debate Set a New High-Water Mark for Shamelessness
We got at a big chunk of the phenomenon underlying the Trump Era back in January 2018, when we asked whether we were witnessing the Death of Shame, or the Rise of Shamelessness. Because of the siloed nature of right-wing media—which has, as historian Kevin Kruse told Politics Editor Jack Holmes then, a level of "epistemic closure" that just isn't comparable to the left—it is impossible to impose real consequences on right-wing politicians for lies or hypocrisy or flip-flopping. You can say anything, then say the opposite the next day, and there are no repercussions. What is important is that you wear the right team's jersey and sing the right tune. It is the permanent present of the reactionary impulse, one that is eroding the concept of objective reality itself. "In a new era dominated by cries that everything is fake news," Kruse added, "there can be no truth. And without truth, there can be no shame." Here, Holmes re-examines that idea of inherent shamelessness through Republican congressional leaders' responses to January 6th's Capitol attack. Read More
The Catalogue of Deadly Weaponry Among Capitol Insurrectionists Is Astonishing
A crossbow? Did these clowns think they were facing off against the Saxons at Hastings? NBC News has the 411 on the personal arsenals that the insurrectionists brought along with them to Washington in order to express their economic anxiety and defend the Constitution through the ancient art of vandalism. And, yes, there are modern crossbows that people use in their pursuit of the ferocious white-tailed deer, and the primary weapons of the mob included metal barricades, an American flag, and a fire extinguisher, but this catalogue of deadly weaponry does not fail to astonish, and there is something visceral in the crossbow that makes this litany from the Book of Armaments feel deadlier. Here's Charles P. Pierce on what we're finding out about the insurrectionists' arsenal. Read More
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