Saturday, January 16, 2021

The Best Booze to Drink Right Now

From bourbon to gin and everything in-between, these bottles from big brands and craft distilleries alike are what we'll be pouring for the foreseeable future.
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The Hands Down Best Booze to Drink Right Now
Nothing can replace a favorite watering hole, but a healthy pour of something delicious at home is a respectable alternative—one most of us have taken liberal advantage of as our beloved bars and restaurants have been forced to close. Fortunately, there were many excellent options to choose from. Smaller craft distilleries were hit much, much harder by the pandemic than the big brands, most of which didn't suffer, at least financially. So while it can't be denied that the large "comfort brands" continued to release some really good spirits in 2020, it's remarkable that the craft world was able to put out some stellar bottles as well. Let's recognize all of these spirits, because when you find something pleasurable in trying times, even if it's small and perhaps inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, it's worth celebrating. Here are some of the very best bottles that were released in the past year, from whiskey to rum to tequila to vodka (with whiskey most heavily represented, due to its many subcategories, and because it's also the most intriguing in terms of flavor and complexity, in this writer's opinion). Raise a glass and toast to a healthier future, and some more new spirits to drink in it. Read More
The Sea Shanty Is Ascendant. Here's How to Dress Like the Flyest Sailor on the Ship.
It's official, folks: The world has flipped for the sea shanty. Bolstered by a wellspring of surprisingly delightful renditions first circulated on TikTok, the sea shanty—a style of folk song attributed to sailors working on board large merchant vessels during the mid-1800s—has fully taken over, dominating timelines from port to starboard. Intrigued by the stylistic merits of the genre? You're in luck! So are we. Because, as it turns out, there's never been a better time to dress like a rugged old sea dog. Which means it's time to hop on the bandwagon, baby. No shame in it. And if you've already mastered the best of what #shantytok has to offer, we put together a list chock full of thick, gale-ready knitwear (and a few well-chosen accessories) sure to see you through any storm—on the high seas or the high street—in style. Read More
Where to Buy a Face Mask Right Now
Here we are, in January 2021, and though we've left everything we possibly could about 2020 behind us, there lies the humble face mask. But it's more than a memento of the year past—because we the pandemic rages on, wearing a mask has never been more necessary. Even with vaccinations under way—and on the horizon for most—COVID-19's war path is far from complete. That means it's still a good idea to be well-equipped, unless, of course, going outside at all isn't of interest. Here are the best face masks you can buy right now. Someday they'll be an artifact, but right now, they're just plain necessary. Read More
How to Build a Face-Saving, Age-Defying Skincare Routine
Effective skincare takes more than just washing your face with whatever soap you have lying around and hoping for the best. It's like anything worthwhile: it takes commitment, consistency, and care, not to mention a healthy amount of experimentation till you find the right products for you. That's why we're here; this is a safe space and no one here is expecting you to know the difference between hyaluronic acid and niacinamide overnight. And anyways, building a skincare routine from ground zero takes only a few simple steps, and you'd be surprised by how much of a difference you'll see after just a few weeks of following them. Esquire Grooming Editor Garrett Munce lays it all out—from beginner to advanced—because chances are, once you see your face after a few weeks of moisturizer, you won't ever want to go back. Read More
30 Valentine's Day Gifts for Her That'll Cost You Less Than $25
You have very little to next to no money to spare this year. That's fine! Who can afford to have money in this economy? Nevertheless, Valentine's Day approaches, and if you have someone special in your life, she'll likely not take too kindly to you overlooking the holiday altogether. So here are 30 gifts for her you can purchase that don't cost a bunch. In fact, all of them are less than $25. Pair them with some flowers or a home-cooked meal, and it'll be a memorable night for you both. After all, true love doesn't have to mean going broke. Read More
Make 2021 the Year You Join Our Club—We'll Send You Something (It's a Magazine)
But that's not all you'll get by joining Esquire Select, our new membership program. In addition to an annual print subscription, you'll also get unlimited access to all of—including Politics with Charles P. Pierce and every Esquire story ever published via Esquire Classic. Plus, we'll send you a weekly, subscribers-only email, and give you exclusive access to deals and discounts from our favorite brands. It's just one way your year is sure to be better than the last—we guarantee it. Read More
It was supposed to be a family road trip to visit an aging relative. Then the car got stuck in a muddy rut and, well—these things never turn out well, do they? Stephen King, the legendary architect of your worst nightmares, delivers another shocking story you won't soon forget.
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