Monday, May 10, 2021

If You’re Vaccinated, Live Your Life. It’s Really That Simple.

The evidence suggests vaccines don't just prevent death and serious disease, they significantly reduce transmission. Maybe the time has come for people to make their own choices for their lives.
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If You're Vaccinated, You Can Live Your Life Again. It Really Is That Simple.
If you get vaccinated, it is vanishingly unlikely that you will get severe symptoms, have to be hospitalized, or die. In fact, it is looking more and more unlikely that you will contract the disease at all, or in enough of a viral concentration that you are at major risk of passing it to other people. One principle for life in a free society is that if you're not infringing on the rights of other people, you're usually good to do what you're doing. Politics Editor Jack Holmes explains why absolutists need to get their act together—and why the pursuit of herd immunity is a lost cause. Read More
26 Pairs of Shorts to Keep You Cool This Summer
Shorts, friends, are good. Not just good, but great! The right pair of shorts will take virtually any summer outfit and render it actually comfortable. Forget about sweating through your favorite tee-and-camp-collar-shirt combo. Abandon all anxiety about overheating while simply popping down the corner for a (cold brew) coffee. Just wear some damn shorts. Let your calves breathe, and maybe even let your thighs get in on the action while you're at it. Because right now, we're in a golden age of shorts. Styles ranging from the leg-baring 5-inch inseam to longer, more voluminous options that borrow from basketball shorts and fashion shorts alike are on the table (proverbially speaking; literally speaking, they should be on your legs). However you want to play it, though, start with this list. Read More
The 17 Best Luggage Brands to Invest In for Your Post-Pandemic Travels
Good luggage is one of those things that fell by the wayside over the last year or so. Whether we were stuck at home or confined to the more hermetically sealable experience of traveling by car, the trusty roller bag—that reliable companion built to maneuver quickly and easily through the train station or airport—suddenly seemed a little extraneous. Or maybe you never had a great rolling suitcase to begin with. Either way, now that we're all crawling out of our caves and ready to get the hell moving, luggage is back in play, baby, and we all need something new. Get the right luggage, and then get moving. Read More
Lucas Puig's New Adidas Sneakers Are Perfect for Summer, Whether You Skate or Not
If you don't know anything about Lucas Puig, the French skater who rides for Palace and Adidas (among other brands), the first thing to understand is that the 34-year-old has a masterful approach to turning any given cityscape into a skateable playground. The second thing to keep in mind is that for Puig, the cityscape most often encountered is Biarritz, a seaside town on the Basque coast in southwestern France. He surfs, too, because if you're a talented skater living right next to the water in a picturesque part of the world, well…you surf. You need to know these little tidbits about Puig because they help explain the thought process that informed his latest sneaker with Adidas. It's a riff on his signature style made from Primeblue, a recycled material that incorporates Parley Ocean Plastic, which is upcycled plastic waste recovered from shores and oceans. Read More
Father's Day Will Be Here Before You Know It. Here are 50 Gifts to Get You Started.
Dad has been giving you stuff since you were born. Hand-me-down baseball gloves, Band-Aids, second opinions, backseat driving instructions, marinade recipes, a bit of bad advice, and a lot more good advice. It's about time you hit him back with something almost as great. We're not saying a gift will even the proverbial balance, but it certainly won't hurt to give him something thoughtful—and cool for his birthday, or any other special sorta day. So whether he's into outdoor gear, interesting whiskey, comfortable summer style, or making the most out of his high-tech home, here are 50 gift ideas to make his day. Read More
This Weekend's Shootings Were All Different, But Also They Were All the Same
"Six people dead in Colorado Springs. At a birthday party. On Mother's Day" writes Charles P. Pierce in response to Sunday's tragedy—and most recent mass shooting in the United States. Here's why Pierce thinks this—and other recent exercises of our Second Amendment freedoms—were all different, but also, all the same. Read More
It was supposed to be a family road trip to visit an aging relative. Then the car got stuck in a muddy rut and, well—these things never turn out well, do they? Stephen King, the legendary architect of your worst nightmares, delivers another shocking story you won't soon forget.
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