Wednesday, May 19, 2021

The Porsche Celebrities Love

Keanu Reeves, Kendall Jenner, Jerry Seinfeld and more have driven this particular model. There's a reason for that.
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The Very Specific '90s-Era Porsche Loved by Celebrities
There's no easier way to say you're a capital C Car Person than driving a Porsche 993. It is practically shorthand for Real Taste in Old Cars. Which is perhaps why so many celebrities seem to own or drive them. Among the many photographed driving or climbing into a Porsche 993 over the years are Kendall Jenner, Keanu Reeves, David Beckham, Harry Styles, Jerry Seinfeld, Ellen Degeneres, and Antonio Banderas. (Reeves nicknamed his 993 "The Sled," and it was eventually stolen from him.) Read More
The Perfect Spring Trucker Jacket Has Entered the Chat
"It's nice, but it could be ten degrees colder," is the rallying call of the fan of Light Jacket Weather. He is pleased by the end of winter, but terrified of the beginning of summer. He enjoys sunlight and friends and socialization, but he might enjoy all his light jackets even more (just a little bit). I know this because I am a Light Jacket Weather Person. And speaking from this highly informed perspective, I'm here to let you know that the perfect spring trucker jacket isn't just a myth. It's real, it's spectacular, and it's made by Taylor Stitch. Here's why you need one. Read More
45 Exceptional Gift Ideas for Men Who Seemingly Have Everything
There's always that one man in the family or friend group. When you envision his life, things dominate the mental image. Cool things, too. In your head, he's surrounded by technology that looks like it could run governments, clothing that looks like it could debut at Men's Fashion Week 2021, and precious heirlooms that look like they'd tempt Indiana Jones. He's got it all. Or so it seems, especially if you've been tasked with somehow, against all odds, gifting him something he doesn't already own. The trick here is finding a gift for him that he doesn't even know he wants, robbing him of the opportunity to have gone out and bought it himself already. That gift will be unique, one-of-a-kind, likely impractical but highly memorable. And you'll find it on this list of 45 exception gift ideas for the guy who really does act like he has everything he could possibly need. Read More
Here's Where You Can Buy a Vaccine Card Holder
Congratulations, you're finally vaccinated! While that vaccine card can feel like a celebratory badge of honor to boast about on social media, it's actually an essential medical document that contains important information. You'll need to keep safe—and not just for bragging rights. So, where do you keep that flimsy piece of paper? Your wallet or money clip might bend and potentially wear down your vaccine card, but thankfully, there's a better solution. Ahead, we share the top-rated, best value vaccine card holders you can buy online today. Read More
The Chickens Are Coming Home to Roost on the Trump Farm
Letitia James, the Attorney General of the state of New York, is coming for Donald Trump—and for Andrew Cuomo—and hell is following after her. El Caudillo del Mar-a-Lago's lesser dauphin, Eric, and his former CFO Allen Weisselberg already have testified in the conjoined investigation being conducted by James and Manhattan district attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. Remember that scene in Star Wars when we were all nearly saved from the terrible prequels because all the heroes were in danger of being squashed in the Death Star's trash compactor? According to Charles P. Pierce, that's where they all are now: in the garbage chute, with the walls closing in. Read More
Sinéad O'Connor, Uncensored
Even before her now-notorious appearance on SNL, the Irish songwriter was a new breed of rock star. With O'Connor back in the news this week upon the release of her memoir, Rememberings, we look back on a story from 1991, when Marcelle Clements revealed how the most misconstrued performer of her time also became the most prophetic. Read More
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