Friday, May 21, 2021

The CDC Is Screwing Over Parents

The CDC's new mask mandate leaves parents where they've been since the pandemic started: alone to figure it out.
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Parents Are Still Screwed
The CDC's announcement last week that vaccinated people can un-mask and go about their lives brought parents to the same place we've been all pandemic: screwed. The vaccine rollout in this country has been nothing short of miraculous, but it's entirely unavailable to children under 12—meaning 50 million kids in this country aren't choosing to be unvaccinated, they can't be. Which means parents are left to play armchair epidemiologist, as they have since the beginning of the pandemic, trying to determine what's safe and what isn't for their children. Read More
The 50 Best Father's Day Gifts for the Coolest Dad Around
So you've got what the kids call a "cool dad." Congratulations—that's a rare breed of father. Not that he doesn't let the occasional dad joke slip through, or wear the occasional cringe-inducing T-shirt, or occasionally mutter aloud to himself about the state of the world while he scrolls through Apple News. But the man's got good taste, and he's more likely to turn you onto a good whiskey, a great gadget, or life-changing music than vice versa. Here's how you can switch things up: Get him an equally cool, completely thoughtful gift for Father's Day. Wouldn't you know it, we've got 50 of those right here, and you've got plenty of time left to shop. Read More
26 Luxury Sneaker Brands That Are Worth the Money
High-end sneakers may be as ubiquitous as selvedge denim these days, but more variety means it's even harder for the cream to rise to the top. Designers like Gucci and have long embraced the sportier side of footwear, while other labels have only recently joined the party. Meanwhile, brands like Common Projects have been making the case for luxury sneakers for more than a decade, and have earned a special sort of street cred. Before you pull the trigger on yet another pair, here's a primer on some of the hottest purveyors of investment-level kicks. Read More
15 Cuban Collar Shirts To Keep You Cool All Summer Long (In More Ways Than One)
Here's the first tick on your summer shopping list: the Cuban-collar shirt. While the silhouette is nothing new, its reputation until recently was more "golf dad sporting a hula-dancer print on the Atlantic City boardwalk" and less "summer wardrobe must-have." Thankfully the shirt has had a stylish resurgence in recent years, and it's all we want to wear any time the mercury climbs above 80°F. This summer, opt instead for big, bold patterns, asymmetrical designs, and lean into embroidery, pockets, and textured fabrics inspired by the OG guayabera. Here are our picks to get your wardrobe one step closer to peak summertime cool. Read More
Rothy's New Men's Shoes Have Arrived Just In Time for Summer
Say what you will about 2021—and there's a lot to say—but at least sustainability has never been more prevalent. Vintage shopping at your local charity shop for the next gem feels more Hunger Games than "just browsing." Buying less and buying better is second nature. And most importantly, there's a push to invest in products that really last—and help good ol' Mother Nature in the process. Thankfully, since you live in 2021, sustainable fashion is all around you, and it's looking really, really good. The latest brand to further prove that theory is Rothy's. Read More
Batman Fans Think Paul Dano's Riddler Might Be Inspired By the Zodiac Killer in This Leaked Image
Here's something you might've remembered in the last 30 seconds: there's a Batman movie! Coming to theaters. It might be soon. It might not be. The pandemic delayed The Batman's release a few times. But time is relative now. In the midst of Batfleck's return in the Snyder Cut, a couple of Marvel shows, and a global catastrophe, we forgot that Robert Pattinson will put on the cowl and skulk around for two and a half hours. Maybe you did too. Fans seem especially hyped for The Riddler, who looks noticeably different than, say, Jim Carrey's all-camp-no-brakes take on the character. Check out what fans are saying about Dano's villain—who's sporting a mask, clear glasses, and vague horror vibes—comparing the look to the Zodiac Killer, who also had a creepy mask-and-glasses getup. Read More
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