Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Seth Rogen Shaved His Beard. It's Haunting.

He is actually unrecognizable.
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I'm Haunted by the Image of Seth Rogen Without a Beard
Seth Rogen posted a photo of himself in which he is actually unrecognizable. The actor posted a selfie with his face clean shaven (well, mostly) for his upcoming appearance in the Hulu mini-series, Pam & Tommy. "Now, I know Seth Rogen's face," writes Culture Editor Matt Miller. "I've even seen it clean shaven before, when he was a fresh-faced teenager in Freaks & Geeks. I've seen him with a goatee in Superbad and The 40-Year-Old Virgin. He was even clean shaven in Pineapple Express. So, why, I ask, does he look legitimately so unrecognizable in this photo without his beard?" Read More
Liz Cheney Is Still the Distillation of All That I Distrust in Never Trump Republicans
"I have stayed away from the prolonged martyrdom of Rep. Liz Cheney, who lost her gig on Wednesday morning, in no small part because I do not find the event as signifying as many of my colleagues do," writes Charlie P. Pierce. "In truth, all the Republicans in the House did was swap out one No. 3 in their leadership roster for another, and brawls in the monkey house bore me. In addition, there was nothing remotely surprising about anything that happened. After all, people were throwing roses in Cheney's path for all of her long trudge towers Golgotha in the meeting room on Wednesday for months now. Ultimately, though, Cheney's celebrated apostasy is simply a more dramatic attempt to argue that the fault lies solely with the former president* and not with the 40 years of policies that made someone like him not only possible but sadly invitable." Read More
J.Crew's Dock Shorts (Still!) Demand to Be Bought in Bulk
It has now been more than two years since Esquire's Ben Boskovich wrote an ode to J.Crew's Dock Shorts. And upon revisiting, he realized something: It's all very much still true. They are the perfect, all-scenario shorts for your summer. Especially so considering the fact that this summer, we're all looking for go-between garments that work just as well lounging on the couch as they do sipping an Aperol Spritz by the bay with friends. These shorts are great for that. And that, too. With eight color options, you'd be hard pressed not to find a pair that fits the palette of your wardrobe quite nicely. And, if you're like me, and everyone else in the world, you've become accustomed, if not addicted, to the drawstring waistband. All of which is to say, don't spend another minute thinking about what shorts you're going to wear to all those post-vaccination functions piling up on your Summer 2021 calendar. Just grab a pair or three of these bad boys and get ready to answer the question, "Where are those from?" Bonus: Right now they're on sale for 25% off with the code FLASH. Read More
We Scored You 20% Off Everything at Entireworld—Including the Brand's Smash-Hit Sweats
For a while there, it was downright impossible to get your hands on some of Entireworld's hottest releases. The brand, started by Scott Sternberg (he of Band of Outsiders fame), had managed to catch lightning in a bottle with its sweatpants and sweatshirts. Basically, if you wanted something from Entireworld, you were lucky to get it at all. And if you didn't manage it, well, you're not alone. But it turns out luck comes in many forms. Because today, Esquire is happy to announce that we've scored you an exclusive 20 percent discount at Entireworld. Read More
50+ Unique Gifts for Dads Who Already Have Everything
Finding the "right" gift for for your dad is always a daunting task. What the hell do you get the man who invested countless hours in making sure your childhood wasn't a complete shit show—sacrificing his own wants and needs time and time again—only to have you get a dual degree in, like, Drama and Graphic Design while you still swipe his credit card with impunity every time you order takeout? Tracking down the perfect present should involve more than a last-minute run to the drug store for a tacky card, or hitting up your equally saint-like mother to find out where he gets his ties. Dear old dad deserves a form of recognition as unique as he is, even, and especially, if he insists he wants nothing at all this year (as per usual). Scroll through the options rounded up here and look like you put some actual effort into finding a gift for Father's Day. Love you, Pops. Read More
My So-Called Miserable Life As a MTV Reality Show Contestant
Before there was Reality TV, MTV had contests like "I Hate My Miserable Life!" When Denise Whitten called, she didn't expect to become famous for being miserable, which, after all, she really wasn't. Read More
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