Friday, October 12, 2018

Chuck Schumer’s Got to Go

No matter what happens on Election Day, the Senate Democrats should have a new leader afterwards.
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It's Time for Chuck Schumer to Go
I'm sure he's a swell guy and a good fundraiser, but Chuck Schumer is not a wartime consigliere. And he is not suited to these times; he's too close to Wall Street and his latest deal with Mitch McConnell makes him look like the biggest sucker in two cordovans. At this point, I don't see a way for the Democrats to take the Senate. But, majority or minority, Chuck Schumer ought to be done as a leader of the Democratic Party in this moment. Gold watch, a hearty handshake, a warm ovation, and off the stage with him. Read More
Anderson Cooper Offered a Stunning Reminder of Where Our President's Attention Isn't
We were treated to another Presidential Circus on Thursday when Kanye West met Donald Trump in the Oval Office for the Narcissism Summit. All the while, though, the Florida Panhandle—and, soon enough, Georgia—was dealing with the worst storm ever to make landfall there. Hurricane Michael slammed into the Gulf Coast as a Category 4 with 155 mile-per-hour winds. It was the most powerful storm to hit the United States in 50 years. That observation was part of a remarkable segment Cooper put together last night, in which he placed footage of the Donald-Kanye summit next to footage of the devastating aftermath of the third-most violently powerful hurricane ever to strike this country. Read More
4 Ways to Wear Comfortable Fall Classics Now
Created by Esquire for Nordstrom
Experiment with new styles while embracing the old standbys. Read More
Matthew Shepard Is Finally Getting the Peace He Deserves
On National Coming Out Day, October 11, The New York Times reported that Matthew Shepard's remains would be interred at the Washington National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., on Friday, October 12—20 years to the day of his death. I hate the notion of coming out, and I hate the idea of memorializing it with a holiday. It's not a day I want to celebrate—it's a day that nearly tore my family apart. Shepard's interment and National Coming Out Day give value to the scores of LGBTQ kids who might be doubting whether they deserve to be valued. It's a reminder for those to come, and those still figuring out when they feel safe enough to be themselves, that they deserve to exist. Read More
After 50 Years, Fleetwood Mac Is Still a Total Mess
After making it work for a few years, Fleetwood Mac's politics are once again a mess. In April, Fleetwood Mac fired Buckingham after "a disagreement over the band's upcoming tour." The split was messier than first reported and now Buckingham has reportedly filed a lawsuit against Fleetwood Mac "for breach of fiduciary duty, breach of oral contract and intentional interference with prospective economic advantage, among other charges." Oof. Read More
We Have to Cover the Trump-Kanye Oval Office Meeting. How Should We?
A fascinating aspect of West's support for Trump is its almost purely aesthetic quality. West is veritably obsessed, at this point in his life, with his freedom to speak and express himself freely—and seems to feel Trump's running roughshod over the social norms often called "political correctness" make him a natural ally. What's lacking here is substance. This is a performance. Read More
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