Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Do You Support the Troops? This Should Anger You.

Don't let the president* use them as political props.
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The Troops Don't Deserve This
I think it's time for everyone who Supports The Troops actually to do so. I think if you applaud the Troops that are introduced at ballgames, or if you Thank Them For Their Service in airports, or stick yellow ribbons on the bumper of your SUV, you should be marching right now on the White House to protest the fact that the president* of United States has enlisted 5,000 of the Troops into a racist fantasy that he's peddling for political advantage—and a racist fantasy that already has a body count, at that—and to protest the waste of taxpayer money spent on moving a brigade-level mass of men to the southern border to fend off an "invasion" of shoeless Central American peasants who, in any case, are still at least a month of walking south of Brownsville. Read More
American History X Remains Tragically Relevant 20 Years Later
I'm afraid we're going to be writing about American History X forever. Today marks the 20th anniversary of the release of Tony Kaye's film, but it feels like we're writing about the events of its plot every day—particularly in the last week. We're writing about it when a man walks into a Pittsburgh synagogue and shouts "all Jews must die" before killing 11 people. We're writing about it when a Kentucky white man kills two black people in a supermarket a few days earlier. We're writing an entirely different story altogether, because the latter gets a second-billing headline because there are too many hate crimes competing for the lead. Read More
4 Ways to Wear Comfortable Fall Classics Now
Created by Esquire for Nordstrom
Experiment with new styles while embracing the old standbys. Read More
A New Leak Has Fans Worried Star Wars IX Will Have Another Death Star-Adjacent Super Weapon
You would imagine that after two Death Stars and Starkiller Base (basically a bigger Death Star), the bad guys in the Star Wars universe would realize that creating a massive super weapon is never a very great evil plot. But, that might not stop Kylo Ren from giving it a shot, according to new rumors about Star Wars IX. Read More
Adam Sandler's 100% Fresh Proves the Comedian Is at His Best When Singing
From start to finish, 100% Fresh is Adam Sandler at his best. It's a music-heavy special that stays relatable and induces crying on both ends of the spectrum. Sandler's characters range from a grown man pissing in his shower (crying laughing) to a guy who really misses his good friend Chris Farley (just crying). During the Farley tribute, Sandler emits emotion like you've never seen from the 51-year-old comedy fixture. It's the second to last song of the special, and it's undoubtedly a shining moment. Read More
Trump's Defenders Keep Turning to False-Equivalence Propaganda to Defend Him
Nikki Haley pulled the ripcord on her Trump Experience earlier this month. The U.N. ambassador is hoping to escape the all-too-common Trumpworld fate, where the dismissed apparatchik is left to trudge out of the White House with his reputation in tatters—and, somehow, with a cushy gig already lined up spewing nonsense on cable news or lecturing students at the Harvard Institute of Politics. As part of her departure announcement, Haley released a statement in which she promised, "I expect to continue to speak out from time to time on important public policy matters." Apparently, speaking out means spinning the same bullshit false equivalences that all the president's other propagandists use to defend him. Read More
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