Monday, October 22, 2018

Meet the 24-Year-Old Behind @HouseOfHighlights

A college professor gave him a B on the project. Now, it's the go-to Instagram account for sports highlights.
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Who Is Omar? How the 24-Year-Old Founder of @HouseofHighlights Flipped Sports Media on Its Head
As the founder and primary custodian of House of Highlights—an immensely popular Instagram account featuring viral moments from both professional and everyday athletes—Omar is responsible for identifying the day's most important dunks, threes, picks, jukes, blocks, snubs, sneers, cheers, fights, slights, and other miscellaneous oddities. Through his account, Omar has achieved the sort of translucent pseudo-fame only today's social media environment is capable of bestowing. He has spent years behind the curtain, speaking to his fans through wry captions and friendly commentary. It has been a comfortable, lukewarm notoriety—perfect for a quiet son of Pakistani immigrants who still has yet to grasp how much he's bent the sports media industry. But the world has grown impatient with the mystery. Read More
Pete Davidson Made Some Very Sad and Very Funny Jokes About His Break Up With Ariana Grande
Oh Pete, you sweet, sad, well-endowed boy. What a year you've had. You broke up with Cazzie David in May. Four days later you started things with Ariana Grande. By the end of the month, the two of you had matching tattoos. In June you were engaged. Then Ariana bragged about your BDE. You did a whole publicity tour thing. And now, only four months after getting engaged, you and Ariana have broken up. What a summer! Read More
The President Just Went Full Gob Bluth to Defend His Aiding and Abetting of Saudi Arabia
From the beginning, the President of the United States has chalked up Saudi Arabia's reported atrocity murder of a U.S.-resident journalist as essentially the cost of doing business. But knowing Donald Trump, it was always insufficient to merely weigh the killing—and the message we're now sending, that putative allies can assassinate journalists critical of their regime with impunity—against the supposed $110 billion that the House of Saud is spending on American weapons. Read More
Ted Cruz Tried to Use Facebook Live and the Results Were Truly Painful to Watch
In an increasingly tight race against skateboarding, punk rocking Beto O'Rourke, Ted Cruz decided to do a Facebook Live broadcast, perhaps to show that he too surfs the net like all the kids these days. But what was supposed to be an interview with conservative talk radio personality Mark Davis quickly devolved into a fiasco so chock full of second hand embarrassment that it's nearly impossible to watch. Read More
This Avengers 4 Theory Explains How Time Travel Will Be the Key to Stopping Thanos
In the final moments of Avengers: Infinity War, we see Nick Fury send out a last second signal to Captain Marvel. The next big Marvel movie, Captain Marvel, will take place in the 1990s, nearly 30 years before the events of the Avengers films. Essentially, it will be a trip to the past that explains how Fury and Captain Marvel know each other, and set up how she will help stop Thanos. Read More
The New Rules of Office Style
The old rules of dressing for work are entirely out the window. Here's how to get dressed for every kind of modern office, whether you're working in a creative loft, a corporate tower, or somewhere in between. Read More
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