Wednesday, October 03, 2018

We Have Never Had Such a Cheap Counterfeit of a President

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This Vicious Buffoon Is a Vessel for All the Worst Elements of the American Condition
This video of Donald Trump, American President, mocking Dr. Christine Blasey Ford should be the only news from now until Election Day, and probably beyond that, all the way to the next Election Day in 2020 as well. This video captures perfectly where we are as a nation at this moment in history. It shows with startling clarity the end result of civic disengagement and democratic apathy. It shows without question that we have allowed our republic to fall into the hands of a sociopath whose feeling for his fellow human beings can be measured against a poker chip. We have had good presidents and bad—a Buchanan is followed by a Lincoln who is followed by an Andrew Johnson, and so forth. But we never have had such a cheap counterfeit of a president* as currently occupies the office. Read More
The Stylish Swiss-Made Watch That Stands Out in a Crowd
The right watch is an investment. You've probably heard that countless times before, but the fact remains that it's not just a truism—it's true. One thing you maybe haven't heard countless times: The right watch may be an investment, but it doesn't have to be a huge one. Thanks to all sorts of market factors—brand history, resale value, name recognition—some watches are still a legitimate steal. And yet, they're still something you'll want to pass on to your son or daughter some day. Which brings me to the Swiss-made Zodiac Olympos. For under a grand, you'll be hard pressed to find a timepiece that beats it on quality and style. Here's why. Read More
The Wingtips That'll Elevate Your Entire Fall Wardrobe
Created for Ecco
And they're as comfortable as your favorite pair of sneakers. Read More
See Christian Bale's Deeply Unsettling Transformation Into Dick Cheney in the New Trailer for Vice
The first trailer for Vice looks like another one of McKay's satirical dramas, with Bale's Cheney as a sadistic and manipulative force in the shadows pulling the puppet strings of Rockwell's bumbling and dim Bush. So, in other words, an accurate portrayal of reality. Read More
Tax Dodger Donald Trump Is Looking Out for His Own Kind
One way things have deteriorated is that Trump and his Republican allies in Congress have slashed the IRS budget and depleted its workforce. Like most Trumpian policy initiatives, this is a longstanding Republican endeavor. Read More
This Is Us Episode 2 Builds the Suspense to a Major (Probably Devastating) Randall and Tess Twist
Last night's episode of This Is Us gives us no further information as to the identity of the she that Future Randall and Future Tess and maybe Future Toby are going to see at that streamlined future facility where we ended last week's action. But we would like to share something we've been thinking, which is this: it is natural to think that they're in the lobby of a hospital or a detention facility or something equally tear-jerking and grim, this being This Is Us. But what if it isn't? What if it's a future facility of joy? What if it's some kind of performance space? This is where I tell you my new theory, which is that they're there to see Rebecca receive the Kennedy Center Honors. We must think positively for our Pearsons. Read More
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