Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Ted Cruz Can’t Come Back From This Humiliation

It turns out Cruz deserves Trump more than Trump deserves him.
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Ted Cruz Is Now Truly the Devil's Advocate
If Goethe had written the Left Behind novels, his climactic moment probably would have looked like what was on display Monday night in Houston—a man, scrounging the tight, dark corners of his soul, probing every nook and cranny of his essential being, for one last, little splinter of a smidgen of a chip of a portion of a piece of it that he could sell to a political loan-shark for another six years in the U.S. Senate. For what doth it profit a man if he gain the Subcommittee on Seapower, but lose his own soul? Read More
President Trump Just Called Himself a 'Nationalist.' Here's What That Means—and Why It's So Dangerous.
Normally, there's a kind of catharsis in watching someone finally admit to themselves and the world who they truly are. Not here. It has never been much of a secret that Donald Trump, American president, is a nationalist. The debate is more often over what adjective might go in front. And yet it was singularly unnerving on Tuesday—in the context of a midterm election campaign in which he and his Republican allies are appealing to racism and anti-immigrant sentiment and fear in a strategy so explicit that The New York Times felt comfortable calling it out—to hear him declare, loudly and proudly, that he is "a nationalist, OK?" Read More
The Shoes That'll Add Rustic Flair to Your Entire Wardrobe
Created by Esquire for Clarks
Warm and cozy boots are like comfort food for your feet. Read More
In One of His Final Episodes, Anthony Bourdain Explains Why Donald Trump's Border Wall Is an 'Utter Failure'
Anthony Bourdain didn't live in a world with borders. His life and career was about breaking them down, about showing that there's more that unites us than divides us, that food is a universal language we all understand. Read More
Who Is Omar? How the 24-Year-Old Founder of @HouseofHighlights Flipped Sports Media on Its Head
As the founder and primary custodian of House of Highlights—an immensely popular Instagram account featuring viral moments from both professional and everyday athletes—Omar is responsible for identifying the day's most important dunks, threes, picks, jukes, blocks, snubs, sneers, cheers, fights, slights, and other miscellaneous oddities. Through his account, Omar has achieved the sort of translucent pseudo-fame only today's social media environment is capable of bestowing. He has spent years behind the curtain, speaking to his fans through wry captions and friendly commentary. It has been a comfortable, lukewarm notoriety—perfect for a quiet son of Pakistani immigrants who still has yet to grasp how much he's bent the sports media industry. But the world has grown impatient with the mystery. Read More
The New Rules of Office Style
The old rules of dressing for work are entirely out the window. Here's how to get dressed for every kind of modern office, whether you're working in a creative loft, a corporate tower, or somewhere in between. Read More
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