Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Most Achingly Sad Moment from Trump’s Unhinged Michigan Rally

Rep. Debbie Dingell's response to Trump's suggestion her husband is in Hell was heartbreaking.
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The President Attacked a Widow at a Rally Because His Offenses Are Not Just Against the Constitution
Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, became the third of those 45 to be impeached in the House of Representatives on Wednesday. The two articles leveled against him, abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, concerned his official acts as the executive in our system, and much of the debate in the lead-up spoke in those terms. He'd extorted a foreign power by withholding official acts until they agreed to interfere in the 2020 election on his behalf. He betrayed his office of the public trust by stonewalling Congress and, in the process, denying that the legislature was a co-equal branch of government tasked with providing oversight of the executive. His offenses were against the Constitution and the republic as an officer thereof. Read More
Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, Has Been Impeached in the House of Representatives
In the 1959 version of Ben-Hur, the title character's Roman stepfather introduces him to an old friend who has just been named governor of the province of Judea. "Goats," Pontius Pilate moans at the prospect of his new post, "and Jehovah." When you come right down to it, and when the six hours of discussion of the two articles of impeachment that have now passed on to the Senate for trial, that's pretty much all we saw when we saw the Republican caucus in the House of Representatives whole and unfiltered, straight, no chaser. That's what they have—goats, or at least people who bray like them, and Jehovah, not to mention His Son, whose Name was put to banal and profane use that tested even my expansive limits for public blasphemy. Bringing out the Ecce Homo as a dodge for the single most obvious heathen ever to hold elected office is the kind of thing that would have had you in thumbscrews a few centuries back. Read More
5 Reasons Whistler Is the Ultimate Ski Destination
Created by Esquire for Whistler Canada
Pack your passport and put in your PTO—this world-class resort belongs on your winter calendar. Read More
We Regret to Inform You Baby Yoda Might Be Evil
It is astounding how quickly Baby Yoda, the creature from The Mandalorian that is neither a baby nor Yoda, has captured the Internet. Baby Yoda has been meme'd. Baby Yoda has been made into bootleg merch. Baby Yoda has been made into official merch. Baby Yoda has been tattooed permanently on human bodies. Baby Yoda is adored by one an all. Read More
The Rocky Survivor Finale Allowed Kellee Kim to Speak Freely. It Wasn't Enough.
After weeks of controversy and complications, Survivor's 39th season came to a close on Wednesday night. While most seasons end with a discussion of how worthy the winner was, this season was marred with a series of sexual harassment allegations against contestant Dan Spilo. The series was heavily criticized for how it handled the allegations, failing to recognize the gravity of the situation until the season was nearly over. Subsequently, Survivor never managed to fully recuperate. This year's finale reunion was repurposed to give Kellee Kim, the contestant who filed the complaint and was immediately voted off, a chance to speak freely about her experience for the first time. Read More
The 65 Best Gifts for Your Wife That She Won't Immediately Return for Store Credit
You want to get your wife something nice. Easier said than done, right? Her style is too good, and her interests too complex, for you to even begin to narrow down the overwhelming options. But when you are completely bereft of ideas, there's absolutely no shame in asking for a suggestion. And that's what we're here for: to lead you in the right direction so you choose the best possible gift for the most important woman in your life. So, with the upcoming holidays in mind—yeah, a smart man will be thinking ahead this far—these are the greatest gifts for your wife to consider, from high-fashion picks that'll wow her, to home goods she'd never splurge on herself, to tech she'll use every single day. You'll knock it out of the park—a top candidate for all-time best husband of the year. Read More
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