Tuesday, December 10, 2019

These Are the Best Albums of 2019

A transformative year for music brings bold new voices and a breaking of genre boundaries.
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The Best Albums of 2019
A former country singer became an anime master, heartland rock's long-serving king embraced folk balladry and cinematic strings, and a young female pop (super)star arrived, draped in over-sized Louis Vuitton gym shorts. It's all to say, 2019 was exceptionally—and refreshingly—weird for the world of music. Read More
JaNee Nyberg Once Made the World's Worst Old Fashioned. Jim Beam Just Gave Her a Shot at Redemption.
The world's worst Old Fashioned was made on a quiet summer morning in 2010, in a dot com startup's shoddily decorated conference room in Santa Monica. Mahalo.com had hired JaNee Nyberg to host a series of 50 cocktail tutorial videos that they would then upload to their YouTube channel. In the series' most infamous video, the actress, model, and part-time bartender slops together an Old Fashioned using no bitters, a giant orange wedge, a ton of ice, and an entire pint glass of bourbon. Now, everyone makes an Old Fashioned a little bit differently—here's Esquire's official recipe—but Nyberg's way was definitely wrong and totally hilarious. Read More
5 Ways to Win Over Your Significant Other's Family This Year
Created by Esquire for Crown Royal
Classics that'll get the in-laws on your side. Read More
Henry Lee Lucas Was Considered America's Most Prolific Serial Killer. But He Was Really a Serial Liar.
Henry Lee Lucas looked the part. He was a drifter with a history of violence, a spare scattering of teeth, and a drooping, weepy eye, and when he confessed to being the most prolific serial in American history, law enforcement and the public largely believed him. Lucas provided accounts that closed 197 murder cases, but now, a new five-part Netflix series is exploring the still-mounting evidence that almost all of these confessions were lies—and that hundreds of actual murderers have gone free. Read More
This Bizarre Feud Between Nick Cannon, Eminem, and Mariah Carey Actually Goes Back a Decade
Eminem is no stranger to public celebrity feuds. In fact, when you hear about Eminem these days, it feels like it's only within the context of some childish bickering rather than for something with any sort of actual artistic merit. And his latest feud comes in the form of a reignited beef with with Nick Cannon, rapper and former host of America's Got Talent. The two have traded lyrical licks in the past week that technically started with an Eminem verse coming after Cannon and his ex-wife, Mariah Carey. Carey, presumably unbothered and thriving with a number three Christmas song on the Billboard charts, has not weighed into the controversy, but as the diss tracks continue, the argument between Cannon and Eminem is only heating up. Read More
Yes, Virginia, There Is Such Thing as a Cool Holiday Sweater
So, you're in the market for a holiday sweater. Maybe you prefer the term Christmas sweater. That's cool. If it's got Santa on it, that is for sure what it is. But don't get all War on Christmas on me, because a lot of the best sweaters of the season are just wintry and cheery and cozy. That's cool, too. Which is why, in this list of 14 of the coolest sweaters for the season at hand, there's a little from Column A and a little from Column B. You want reindeer (at least one of which is drunk), trees, and a jolly old dude with a white beard and a red hat? You got it! You want fair isle and cheerful colors and patterns? You, friend, are also in luck. Check out the full array of knitwear options, right here. Read More
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