Monday, December 23, 2019

Trump Slurred His Way Through Yet Another Abnormal Speech Filled With Nonsense

Another very normal speech from our fearless leader, this time to a group of conservative youths.
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Trump Slurred His Way Through a Praise-Rant About Rush Limbaugh and a Diatribe About Windmills
You will be shocked to learn that the Center for Public Integrity obtained emails this weekend that show a Trump administration official put in place a hold on nearly $400 million in military aid to Ukraine just 90 minutes after the president's infamous July 25 phone call with Volodymyr Zelensky. The senior budget official in question, Michael Duffey, even asked the folks he was emailing at the Pentagon to keep the whole thing on the low. This is the quid pro quo, which they already admitted to, but here it is again in the contemporaneous emails. As a reminder, even Jonathan Turley—the witness Trump's Republican allies called before the House to naysay the impeachment proceedings—admitted a proven quid pro quo would be impeachable. Read More
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Ultimately Failed Rey
Spoiler warning: When Disney debuted the first full trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens in 2015, this long-awaited tease for the next entry in the Skywalker Saga downplayed the role Daisy Ridley's character Rey would play in the story. Based on trailers alone, anyone going into the theater to see the first new Star Wars story in a decade would have had no indication that the hero of this new trilogy—the next powerful Jedi to defeat evil—would be a young woman. Read More
CJ McCollum on Style, Balance, and What Being a Role Model Means to Him
Created by Esquire for Dockers
Fun fact: The Portland starting shooting guard is a huge wine connoisseur. Read More
These Boots Will Quickly Become Your Everyday Boots—and Stay That Way for a Long, Long Time
You've seen this viral video, right? The one wear a teacher walks into his classroom, day after day, offering a "hello" and making the same sharp righthand turn to the front of the classroom? This piece of modern art is an ode to consistency. Were you a student, at first, you probably wouldn't even notice it. But when you finally did, you'd find yourself paying close attention to it, counting on it even. It would become an expectation, and later, something endearing, something worth celebrating. Read More
Daniel Craig Wanted to Resign as Bond After Spectre. Here's Real Reason He Returned For No Time to Die.
By all accounts, No Time To Die looks like it's going to pull out all the stops for Daniel Craig's last outing as James Bond: The incredible first trailer is stuffed with hints at a wild storyline for 007—including the potential appearance of Dr. No. Read More
Rey's Lightsaber in The Rise of Skywalker Could Tell Us What's Next For Star Wars
Spoiler warning: Ever since Rey took her first whack at Kylo Ren in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, she was working with a hand-me-down—the sky-blue lightsaber previously owned by Anakin and Luke Skywalker. But when we saw early trailers for The Rise of Skywalker, it seemed like she'd finally get her own lightsaber, albeit from the Dark Side Store—a collapsible, travel-friendly version of Darth Maul's double-bladed weapon. Read More
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