Saturday, December 14, 2019

What to Buy Your Wife This Year

Spoil him with great holiday presents like he spoils his family.
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The 65 Best Gifts for Your Wife That She Won't Immediately Return for Store Credit
You want to get your wife something nice. Easier said than done, right? Her style is too good, and her interests too complex, for you to even begin to narrow down the overwhelming options. But when you are completely bereft of ideas, there's absolutely no shame in asking for a suggestion. And that's what we're here for: to lead you in the right direction so you choose the best possible gift for the most important woman in your life. So, with the upcoming holidays in mind—yeah, a smart man will be thinking ahead this far—these are the greatest gifts for your wife to consider, from high-fashion picks that'll wow her, to home goods she'd never splurge on herself, to tech she'll use every single day. You'll knock it out of the park—a top candidate for all-time best husband of the year. Read More
The Best Books of 2019
Now that the year is over, there's no time like the present to recap the year in books. Whether you're looking for heavy hitter books that you never got around to reading or seeking to discover something that wasn't widely publicized, we're here with ample recommendations. It's been a year of landscape-changing fiction and buzzworthy nonfiction, with new and established authors alike releasing books that will inspire you, educate you, and challenge you. Here are our favorite reads from 2019. Read More
10 Things You Need for Binge-Watching TV This Holiday Season
Created by Esquire for The Game of Thrones Collection
You'll never want to leave your couch ever again. Read More
Todd Snyder and Timex Just Released a Very Shiny, Very Holiday-y Watch
The holidays grow closer by the day. That's true all year, but you really feel it when December comes along, forcing you to actually start thinking about what to buy and what to wear and how to keep it all together before the calendar flips over and you have another 11 months of not-thinking-about-it to look forward to. (I recognize that there may be people who don't fret about this stuff, or who prepare themselves for the season without having to see a "12" at the start of the date, but I refuse to acknowledge them any further.) Read More
15 Christmas Movies You Can Stream on Netflix Right Now
Netflix seems to understand one thing about Christmas movies: people like them corny. The Hallmark holiday formula tends to involve plots that are so predictable and so sappy they wouldn't work at any other time of the year, and Netflix had adopted that method of filmmaking. With The Christmas Prince, a film that skirts so closely to the plot of The Prince and Me it's insane, Netflix had a hit. And now the streaming site seems to be the one-stop shop for all the terribly written—yet surprisingly entertaining—Christmas joy anyone could ever want in one sitting. Read More
How to Make Coquito
Coquito is like eggnog, but better. Served predominately in Puerto Rico, where it originated, it is a rich, milky rum drink sweetened with curls of coconut cream, not to mention both evaporated milk and condensed milk. Pass it out to family and friends in little cordial or shot glasses sprinkled over with fresh ground cinnamon during the holidays; it will quell the complaining of even the most crotchety uncle. Read More
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