Wednesday, December 18, 2019

This Clip Is Proof the Conservative Movement Is Rooted in Low-Quality Trolling

It's times like these that you remember these people don't actually give a shit about anything. It's a political movement based on low-quality trolling.
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A Lou Dobbs Guest Compared Trump's Very Normal Letter to the Gettysburg Address
Before we kick things off, here and elsewhere on Impeachment Day, let's catch up on what happened in a New York court room on Impeachment Eve. As my colleague Charles P. Pierce wrote yesterday, the unholy web of Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani's questionable associations now includes a Ukrainian oligarch tied to past corrupt regimes and Vladimir Putin. For some reason, that guy—Dmytro Firtash—sent the wife of Giuliani's indicted associate, Lev Parnas, a "loan" of $1 million shortly before Parnas was arrested. Parnas used to work for Firtash (who has also been indicted on bribery charges in the U.S.), and was Giuliani's co-ratfucker in Ukraine. You may remember Parnas also paid Giuliani half a million bucks via his company called, and this is real, "Fraud Guarantee." Read More
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Is a Finale That Desperately Tries to Please Everyone
here's a moment in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker where a character—I won't say who or when to avoid spoilers, which I assure you this is not—says: "What our mothers and fathers fought for we will not let die." This to me worked on a number of levels when considering the decades-spanning Star Wars franchise as a whole. The sheer existence of this new series is predicated on the fact that our collective pop culture consciousness will not let the passions of our parents die. In fact, the first words of the opening crawl—again, not a spoiler, folks—are: "The Dead Speak!" That in itself seems like a succinct indication that death of the main characters and even our own real-world mortality is not enough to stop this Star Wars story from ever truly ending. Read More
How Moncler Shaped Après Ski Wear Into Streetwear
Created by Esquire for Moncler
The apparel is just as stylish off the slopes. Read More
The 29 Best Bottles of Booze in 2019
This was an exceptional year for new releases of spirits in all categories, and so it was an exceptional year for drinking. It's impossible to cover them all, but here are the best of the best, based on flavor alone, including whiskey, tequila, gin, rum, and cognac. Some are easy to come by, while others are expensive and elusive limited editions. But if a spirit tasted good, it made the list—hype, price, and reputation be damned. See if you can find a few of these to try for yourself before the end of 2019, and here's to another year (and decade) of good spirits. Read More
Let Us All Bask in the Glory of Harry Styles' Enormous Pants Energy
There are many Harrys in this world. One of them is even a prince. But really, there is only one Harry in the world, because Harry Styles recently released his new album Fine Line and even though there is, again, an actual prince who shares his first name, right now we're only talking about Harry Styles. Read More
Meet the Military Vets Providing the Big Muscle for Big Tech
You're not sure how life took you here. A few years back, you walked point on combat patrols through the gnarliest, darkest shadows of the war, always with a sleek, black rifle pressed tight against your shoulder. Thirty golden rounds of ammunition just a trigger squeeze away. Platoon mates at your back ready to carry out foreign policy through sheer force. Seventy-five or so pounds of equipment packed on your body, holding water and extra ammo and that medical kit you never wanted to use but did, because the moment came for you and you did what you'd been trained for. Read More
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