Friday, December 06, 2019

This Highly Organized Right-Wing Militia Is an Ominous Warning

Obama's election gave these people a focus. Trump's gave them permission. How will they react to the next political setback that angers them?
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This Highly Organized Right-Wing Militia Is an Ominous Portent
Sometimes, you pick up a story at what used to be the back pages of a newspaper that nonetheless seems to carry the weight of ominous portent. Sometimes, these are medical stories—Ebola and whatnot. Increasingly, they have something to do with the climate crisis. And some of them start out simply weird but, the deeper you get into the story, both its darkness and its plausibility increase in tandem. This is one of those. Read More
The Mandalorian Episode Five Teased the Biggest Twist of the Season
It's been many years since Star Warsfans have seen the vast dunes of Tatooine and that binary sunset that launched the greatest sci-fi franchise in history. And in Episode Five of The Mandalorian, our protagonist and our beloved son Baby Yoda crash land on Tatooine after barely surviving a space shootout with another bounty hunter. The setting couldn't be more convenient. It's the planet where young Anakin Skywalker was first found, where Luke Skywalker grew up, where two droids crashed an escape pod and found Old Ben Kenobi, and kicked off the Star Wars story as we know it. But, it also happens to be the place where, five years earlier within the timeline of the franchise, Luke Skywalker destroyed Jaba the Hutt's barge, and sent Boba Fett falling into a Sarlacc pit. Read More
9 Gifts That'll Step Up Your Stocking-Stuffer Game
Created by Esquire for Lightbox
Trust us, they're way cooler than candy or gift cards. Read More
Marriage Story's Heartbreaking Lesson: Always Read Your List
In the trailer for Marriage Story, a voiceover reads a list of attributes that the movie's two main characters, a married couple, like about each other. The lists are lovely, if predictable. Charlie (Adam Driver), claims to like that Nicole (Scarlett Johansson) "gives great presents" and is "a mother who plays. Really plays." We learn that they're both competitive and they each like that about the other. Nicole is "brave" and "a great dancer" and "knows when to push me and when to leave me alone," and Charlie is "a great dresser, never looks embarrassing, which is hard for a man." Nicole likes that Charlie "cries easily in movies" and "loves being a dad." Read More
The 18 Best Gifts to Buy From Huckberry This Holiday Season
It's officially Shoppin' Season, which means that it is, officially, time for you to stop procrastinating and start doing the good work of acquiring holiday gifts for your friends and family. If that sounds daunting, don't worry: We understand the feeling. That's why we've gone ahead and done some of the legwork for you, sorting through the many (many) offerings from one of our favorite online shops—Huckberry, purveyor of cool, sometimes-outdoorsy, always-stylish wares—to find the best of the best. Because, after all, don't the folks in your life deserve the best? From warm beanies to maple syrup aged in whiskey barrels, here's what to get. Read More
Noah Baumbach Had to Live and Love Before He Made Marriage Story
You can almost see the involuntary twitch of a chill coursing through him. "It really was a childhood trauma for me," Noah Baumbach says. "It has come up in therapy my entire life. It really messed me up. It messed me up." For an instant, you assume, understandably, that Baumbach is talking about the divorce of his parents, film critic Georgia Brown and experimental novelist Jonathan Baumbach, back in the 1980s. But it's not that simple. Read More
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