Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Trump Reached a New Level of Apocalyptic Fearmongering at His Pennsylvania Rally

The president once again painted undocumented immigrants as a horde of murderers and rapists intent on destroying The America You Know and Love. Surely, this will end well.
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Trump Reached a New Level of Apocalyptic Fearmongering at His Pennsylvania Rally
For Donald Trump, American president, the only undocumented immigrants who merit a mention are murderers and rapists. The guy who works 12-hour days in construction does not get a shoutout. The women who work as housekeepers at his own goddamn properties do not feature in his rally speeches. This is not a coincidence. While he'll occasionally grant that some, I assume, are good people, the overwhelming impression the president wishes to leave is that the United States is experiencing an invasion of dangerous criminals who want to kill your family and transform The America You Know and Love into a land you do not recognize. Meanwhile, there is no statistical link between undocumented immigrants and violent crime. The vast majority work normal jobs and pay billions in taxes each year. No matter: they're all in MS-13, or they might as well be. Read More
Don't Wear This Suit Because You Have to. Wear It Because You Want to.
Every so often, the men's style world at large gets a full head of steam and decides that it is time to declare the death of the suit. This is bullshit. The suit is not dead. But a lot of the old rules about suits—when and where to wear them, how they should fit, what versions of them you might need in your own closet—are so completely done that the rigor mortis has already started to set in. Read More
6 Reasons You Absolutely Need an Electric Razor
Created by Esquire for Panasonic
A more seamless and effortless shave awaits. Read More
The Best TV Shows of 2019
In the larger scheme of things, this is very much not a problem. But what if there's too much good TV? Last year alone, nearly 500 scripted shows were released, 85 percent more TV than aired in 2011. And that's not even counting reality TV. Given the fact that we've got literally hundreds of options to choose from, it's hard to decide what shows to award our limited TV watching time. So here's a list that will help you narrow the field. Read More
Todd Snyder and Timex Just Released a Very Shiny, Very Holiday-y Watch
The holidays grow closer by the day. That's true all year, but you really feel it when December comes along, forcing you to actually start thinking about what to buy and what to wear and how to keep it all together before the calendar flips over and you have another 11 months of not-thinking-about-it to look forward to. (I recognize that there may be people who don't fret about this stuff, or who prepare themselves for the season without having to see a "12" at the start of the date, but I refuse to acknowledge them any further.) Read More
The 45 Best Gifts to Get Your Girlfriend
Giving a gift to the woman you like or love (or want to eventually ask to be your wife—but no pressure) is a true test in reading the proverbial room. If you go too big, you might weigh down the relationship with unnecessary pressure. But go too small, and you're the doofus who she still hasn't decided if she'll forgive or not. The best solution? Ask for help. And help is what we have to offer. Here's how to strike the perfect balance with 45 thoughtful gifts your girlfriend will love, all of which are stylish and cool—just like her, you know? Do your gift shopping now, before the holidays are upon you. And lastly, for the love of god, do not buy her a gift card. This is the diametric opposite of a thoughtful gift. Read More
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