Friday, July 24, 2020

Drink This Tonight (and Then All Weekend Long)

It's even better with mezcal.
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The Rosita—Not the Margarita—Is the Perfect Summer Cocktail
The Rosita bridges the weeks between wintery cocktail complexity and the citrusy, vegetal notes of warm weather tequila. It is the cousin of the ur-cocktail, the elegant Negroni. We recommend taking it one step further, however, by subbing in mezcal as the base. There's magic at work as the dark, burnt citrus bitterness of Campari intermingles with a deep, smoky mezcal. When rounded out by the fortifying aromatics of both sweet and dry vermouth, it is an extraordinarily alluring sip that has one foot in Mexico and the other in Europe. Make one tonight, and we bet you'll keep going through Sunday's end. Read More
Just Because You've Never Called a Woman a Bitch Doesn't Mean You Haven't Called a Woman a Bitch
Good men will watch the video of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex on the House floor completely ripping into Ted Yoho for calling her a "f*cking bitch" and think Jesus, what an absolute piece of trash this guy is, and of course they'll be right. Yes, good men will enjoy watching the greatest politician in a generation put a knockoff Todd Packer in his place. Good men might also watch this and think that because they've never called a woman a f*cking bitch, they've never called a woman a f*cking bitch. But as Articles Director Kelly Stout explains, Yoho's use of vile language to describe Rep. AOC is bigger than two sexist words. Read More
The Best Items From Nordstrom's Annual Anniversary Sale to Add to Your Wishlist Now
If—somehow—you managed to make it all this time on God's not-so-green earth without knowing about the annual Nordstrom Anniversary Sale, well, you're gonna learn today. For the uninitiated, the Anniversary Sale is the Seattle-based retailer's much-anticipated yearly summer blowout, featuring steep discounts across a broad array of new arrivals. For deal-savvy clotheshorses, it's like Christmas come early. Or, if you're missing sports: It's the Super Bowl of shopping (with equally high stakes for everyone involved). In prior years, the sale started in mid-July, but what with the world just up and going to shit recently, Nordstrom decided to postpone the eagerly anticipated event until August 19. (It'll run through August 30.) So mark your calendars folks, because this is one you don't want to miss. Read More
With folklore, Taylor Swift Is Truly 'On Some New Shit.' And We Like It.
Taylor Swift's 8th studio album is beautiful and soothing—as whispery and intimate as all those lowercase song titles and filtered photos suggest. It's a short story collection for your bedside table in the house you won't be leaving anytime soon; an album recorded during a lockdown when your productivity sputtered out after that dense loaf of sourdough you baked in March. folklore, whose credits include Swift's frequent cohort Jack Antonoff as well as, for the first time, Aaron Dessner of the National and Bon Iver, will make you feel several emotions, and Dave Holmes is here to tell you that at least three of them will be envy. Read More
The Right Summer-Ready Pants Might Make You Reconsider Shorts Entirely
Short of saving up the money to invest in some calf implants, seasonally appropriate pants are the best way to beat the heat in style. And if you're ready to stuff your shorts once and for all into the back part of the closet you use to store shit you don't have room for anywhere else, Avidan Grossman rounded up some of the best summer-friendly pants to buy right now. Now, any time a less savvy "friend" hits you with the old, "Yo, aren't you hot in those?" you can glare at him witheringly while saying something like, "Ha, not at all dude, these are literally as comfortable as shorts" and actually mean it. Read More
The 15 Best Grinders That'll Prevent You From Ruining Your Good Weed
This curated list of weed grinders—many of them with four pieces to grind bud, sift pollen, and store the results properly—each have their own strengths. One ought to suit your cannabis-consuming ways. And we'll take the opportunity now to pair this guide with an always-timely reminder to smoke responsibly. We don't mean legally (we're no sticklers for the word of the law when that law itself is outdated and discriminatory). We mean, choose to support grassroots legalization and social justice efforts in the cannabis industry, and buy from dispensaries owned by minorities and companies that give back to communities when possible. Now, onto the grinders. Read More
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