Friday, July 17, 2020

What the Hell Is Happening in Portland?

A major American city is being softly Pinochet'ed in broad daylight.
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The Authoritarian Operation in Portland Is Only a Dress Rehearsal
According to Oregon Public Broadcasting, "Federal law enforcement officers have been using unmarked vehicles to drive around downtown Portland and detain protesters since at least July 14." LEO's in camo? Unmarked vehicles? Disappearing people off the street without charge? Detention in something far too close to a police black site? Why in the hell is this not a bigger story? A major American city is being softly Pinochet'ed in broad daylight. And, if we know one thing, if this president* and his administration* get away with this, it will only get worse. You'd have to be out of your mind, writes Esquire's Charles P. Pierce, not to suspect that this could be a dry run for the kind of general urban mobilization at which the president* has been hinting since this summer's protests began. Read More
The 23 Best Affordable Clothing Stores for Stylish (and Savvy) Guys to Shop Online
Money, as the adage goes, can't buy happiness. It can, however, buy your next favorite pair of WFH sweat shorts or the latest version of the walking shoes you now have reason to wear—and you don't even need a whole heap of it, either. Turns out, the most expensive version of any given item isn't always the one you should be investing in, especially when it comes to rounding out your wardrobe with a few well-priced essentials. After all, having piles of money to drop on any piece that catches your fancy does not a stylish man make. Luckily, we live in the era of the internet, and there've never been more options when it comes to copping super-covetable menswear on the low. Online stores for men, in particular, are flourishing, and for good reason. If you're in the market for a few wallet-friendly summer finds, you have come to the right place. Because Esquire's Avidan Grossman trolled the darkest depths of the worldwide web to compile a list of some of the best places to shop if you're looking for affordable alternatives to all the latest runway heat you've been admiring from afar. Read More
Jaws Is an Undisputed Masterpiece. So How Did It Produce One of the Worst Sequels Ever Made?
It was on this date, 33 years ago, that a seemingly important film opened in theaters. A film that, in its own way, would end up being almost as memorable as Steven Spielberg's JAWS, but for all the wrong reasons. We're talking, of course, about 1987's Jaws: The Revenge. If June 20, 1975 marked the birth of an indelible and undeniable cinematic classic, it was on July 17, 1987, that that franchise finally died—and not of natural causes, but rather of malpractice and gross incompetence. Chris Nashawaty explains what happened three decades ago that harpooned the beloved shark franchise. Read More
The 14 Coolest Walking Shoes That Don't Sacrifice Style For Comfort
Because that evening or mid-day stroll is about all we have to keep our outside identities alive these days, it's time to cop some proper walking gear. And sure, you could probably get away with wearing your comfiest pair of everyday beaters, but if you're serious about your newest hobby it's worth investing in a pair of shoes specifically made with walking in mind. In other words, some sturdy-as-hell sneakers that provide ample cushioning and support, all while keeping your feet as protected as possible so you can get those steps in with relative ease. If you have no idea where to begin your search, we've got you. Avidan Grossman put together some of the best options available now. Read More
This Song Off The Chicks's New Album Is Going to Be Stuck in Your Head The Rest of Summer
The magic of the Chicks is that they can create an album that feels both completely and classically them, while still pushing into the sounds of tomorrow. It's a reality I've marveled at more than once, during my many-more-than-once listening sessions of the set. Nowhere is this more evident than on the absolute standout, "My Best Friend's Wedding." Madison Vain explains how, as it always has been with the Chicks, the very worst inspires the absolute best. Read More
This Might as Well Be the Tagline for This Entire Administration
Thursday's issue at the podium of White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany was reopening the nation's schools this fall, a scenario pretty much every living American is desperate to see for a number of reasons. For many in states like Texas and Florida and Arizona, it could be an extremely dangerous situation beyond anyone's control. But none of that phases McEnany, who said "The science should not stand in the way of this." Politics Editor Jack Holmes explains why this, rather than Just Say Anything, seems to be the official tagline for this administration, and not just in regard to school reopening. Read More
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