Monday, July 20, 2020

We Were Warned This Day Would Come

The great modern conservative project, launched by the Goldwater campaign in 1964, has finally reached its inevitable end-point in the kind of president* that project made inevitable.
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Donald Trump Is the Culmination of an Irresistible Conservative Chaos Theory
Back at the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, a week after Trump had Riefenstahl-ed his way to the nomination of a Republican Party that had been setting the table for someone like him since at least 1976, journalist Margaret Doris brought the country a warning. The warning came from Jesse Jackson and John Lewis, who knew from sad and bloody experience what damage an empowered reactionary government can do. As Shakespeare's Beatrice says, they could see a church by daylight. Charles P. Pierce delivers a reminder that Donald Trump is not a flash in the pan, but rather, the product of decades of planted seeds throughout the conservative movement. Read More
Silk Boxers Are the Still the Best Way to Channel Your Inner Aging Rockstar
Fellas, if you've never had the distinct pleasure of slipping into a pair of silk boxers, hoo boy, let us tell you: feeling the soft flutter of the kingliest fabric known to man around your nether regions is a real game-changer. It's hard to go back to sporting anything else. Silk boxers give off extremely big "Jaded gossip rag favorite just trying to enjoy a leisurely afternoon with his conspicuously younger third wife somewhere off the Amalfi Coast" vibes, and that's exactly the energy everyone needs right now. Level up your underwear game by investing in a few of the best pairs available now and you, too, can channel the energy of the aging music industry legend you never knew you wanted to be. Read More
32 Years Ago, Midnight Run Became the Best of the Golden Era of Action Buddy Comedies
Released on this day in 1988, Midnight Run takes the creaky, knee-jerk formula of pairing two mismatched stars with completely different acting styles and pushes it somewhere bizarre, unexpected, hilarious, and ultimately poignant. The film is more than just a madcap string of comic detours and switchbacks. It's also a chance for De Niro to show the soft chewy center that lies beneath his hard-shell exterior. When he and Grodin make a pitstop at the home of his ex-wife and estranged daughter, for a moment the film becomes something more than just a loopy road movie with a series of shootouts and riffs about chorizo and Lyonnaise potatoes. Chris Nashaway explains how at that moment, it actually becomes beautiful—and wound up being, even to this day, the best of its genre. Read More
The X-Factor in Your At-Home Hair Maintenance Is a Great Pair of Clippers
Take it from us, man—tracking down the right pair of hair clippers is worth the effort. Whether you're looking to shave it all off for good or trying to give yourself a little touch-up every now and then, investing in the proper tools is crucial, especially when you don't have the added luxury of being able to hightail it to the closest barber should things go terribly, terribly awry. The good news is, armed with the right equipment, cutting your own hair can liberate you from the tyranny of the every-two-weeks appointment and the, "Hey man, any chance I could swing by for a cut later today" texts. Here are 10 worth investing in. Read More
2020's Best Documentaries All Tell Completely Engrossing Tales
There's something special about a movie that changes the way we see the real world, and the best documentaries of 2020 manage to do just that. Some tackle people and events that are already widely known, like the career of NBA superstar Michael Jordan or former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, offering looks at history's biggest newsmakers as we've never seen them before. Others dive into stories that are just as important but less well known, like the summer camp that helped shape the modern disability rights movement. So whether you're looking for films about art, politics, sports, or true crime, here are the best documentaries and docuseries released in 2020 so far. Read More
The Hands-Down Best Affordable Clothing Stores to Shop Online
We live in the era of the internet, and thus, there've never been more options when it comes to copping super-covetable menswear on the low. Online stores for men, in particular, are flourishing, and for good reason. If you're in the market for a few wallet-friendly summer finds, you, my friend, have come to the right place. Because we've trolled the darkest depths of the worldwide web to compile a list of some of the best places to shop if you're looking for affordable alternatives to all the latest runway heat you've been admiring from afar. Read More
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