Thursday, July 23, 2020

The 23 Best Affordable Men’s Clothing Stores to Shop Now

Remember: fiscal responsibility was, is, and always will be the coolest look of them all.
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The 23 Best Affordable Clothing Stores for Stylish (and Savvy) Guys to Shop Online
Money, as the adage goes, can't buy happiness. It can, however, buy your next favorite pair of WFH sweat shorts or the latest version of the walking shoes you now have reason to wear—and you don't even need a whole heap of it, either. Turns out, the most expensive version of any given item isn't always the one you should be investing in, especially when it comes to rounding out your wardrobe with a few well-priced essentials. Luckily, we live in the era of the internet, and there've never been more options when it comes to copping super-covetable menswear on the low. Online stores for men, in particular, are flourishing, and for good reason. If you're in the market for a few wallet-friendly summer finds, you, my friend, have come to the right place. Because we've trolled the darkest depths of the worldwide web to compile a list of some of the best places to shop if you're looking for affordable alternatives to all the latest runway heat you've been admiring from afar. Read More
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Shredded Ted Yoho Like a Rotting Battle Flag
There was a televised bloodbath on the floor of the House of Representatives on Thursday morning and nobody stepped in to stop it. The political career of Rep. Ted Yoho was eviscerated and its internal organs were put on display. On a point of personal privilege, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was granted an hour of debate time essentially to respond to Yoho's ludicrous non-apology for having accosted her, and having called her a "fcking bitch," on the steps of the Capitol earlier this week, and she and the Democratic caucus didn't waste a second of it. In his sad alibi speech, in addition to arguing that Jesus and patriotism made him do it, Yoho hid behind his wife and daughters. AOC wasn't having any of that, and she shredded this hoary dodge like a rotting old battle flag. Charles P. Pierce sends praise to the congresswoman. Read More
The Best Outdoor Watches for Hiking, Hanging, and Everything in Between
As the perils of lockdown reign blows upon your vibe, heading into the wilderness is looking more attractive by the day. So why not invest in a watch specifically made for the great outdoors—with features like built-in GPS, specialized lighting, and uh, not having to rely on the sun to tell time—and the next time you're in a pickle don't look up at the sky expecting answers, look at your wrist and reassure yourself they're already there. Esquire's Style Team hunted and gathered the best of the best of what's out there right now. Read More
When I Left My Faith, I Went to Comic-Con
At a time where she was feeling lost, novelist Raven Leilani, having just left her religion behind her, was working at a Dunkin Donuts when inspiration struck. The night after her store was robbed, she called in sick, citing a family emergency. Where she was really headed was to the Javits Center for New York Comic-Con. Here, the author reflects on how, in the absence of faith, she found something greater in the community of die-hard fans that flock to the beloved convention year after year. And in a year where COVID-19 has taken that away, Leilani remembers the place it holds in her heart. Read More
Gluten-Free Beers Are Getting Really Damn Good—Debilitating Stomach Pain Not Included
Christine Flammia had really, really wanted to believe that a gluten intolerance was something white girls like her made up to sound important. It wasn't that they couldn't "have gluten," it was that they couldn't have the extra calories and belly bloat. They steered clear of bread, not because they didn't want it, but because health. Gluten, the binding protein of the world's best carbs, in its avoidance became the binding force of a privileged, health-conscious community. Flammia believed non-celiac, gluten-intolerant people were disillusioned. And then I became one. And then she found glory in the evolution of the gluten-free beer world. Here, she might just convert you once and for all—gluten tolerance or not. Read More
The Best Things to Buy From Everlane's Not-to-Be-Missed Summer Sale
When Everlane does the damn thing it does it right. Case in point: its annual summer sale, which is always cause for celebration. Right now, the brand is slashing prices across a select array of democratically priced staples—from near-perfect pocket tees to its signature slim chinos—all ready-made to cure any burgeoning mid-summer blues. Avidan Grossman scoured the sale so you don't have to—so shop now, friends, or forever hold your peace because these deals won't stick around long. Read More
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