Wednesday, July 01, 2020

The Christian Rocker Who Doesn’t Believe in God Anymore

The former singer of Hawk Nelson opens up about leaving Christianity behind.
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Jon Steingard Fronted an Award-Winning Christian Rock Band. He Tells Us Why He No Longer Believes in God.
What am I doing? It's the question Jon Steingard, former frontman of Christian rock outfit Hawk Nelson, was asking himself in May as he hit publish on an Instagram announcing he no longer believed in God. "I didn't sleep too well that night," he told Esquire's Madison Vain on a phone call from his adopted hometown of San Diego. "But what I just come back to, now that it's done, is that this is true. This is how I really feel." Here, he tells Vain what's next for him, and how he'll continue the conversation. Read More
The Infinitely Versatile Chukkas That Are Good Enough for James Bond (and You)
It will probably not come as a shock to you to hear that there's something of a cult of personality around James Bond. The man knows how to wear the hell out of everything from a tux to a tactical vest, and in his most recent incarnation, as played by Daniel Craig, he's perhaps the most accessible avatar of super-spy style the long-running franchise has offered up to the general public. So when, during the filming of No Time to Die, photographers captured shots of Craig in a tan corduroy suit by Massimo Alba and some sumptuous chocolate-brown chukkas by Drake's, people took notice. For this installment of The Esquire Endorsement, Style Director Jonathan Evans takes a closer look at the chukkas that you can wear with everything from shorts to (should the occasion call for it) tailoring—but probably shorts. Read More
Bob Costas: People I Respect Think the Astros' Cheating Is Worse Than the Steroid Era—But I Don't
If we fans are able to tune into a baseball game that is played safely in the time of shutdowns, it'll be a joy and a relief to watch, no doubt. America's sportscaster and MLB Network host Bob Costas draws a loose comparison to the restart of baseball after 9/11, when Mike Piazza hit a home run in the first Mets game back at Shea Stadium, and when the country put aside its usual ire to celebrate the Yankees making it to the World Series. "When baseball returned, especially in New York, it was small part of the healing process," he told Esquire's Sarah Rense when they spoke back in May, when the 2020 season was on hiatus but a COVID plan was far from official. So, 2020 is indeed unprecedented. Like Costas says, it'll have "an asterisk" on it in the books. Here's what else he told Esquire about the tarnishing effect of the Astros saga on the integrity of the game, its place among the great baseball scandals, and how baseball itself must change to do justice by its fans. Read More
The Best Cargo Shorts (Yeah, You Heard Us) to Buy Right Now
The cargo shorts some of the best-dressed dudes around are feeling right now are a far cry from the sad, shapeless numbers that first gave the style a bad name. Sure, the pockets are still there, but they're employed differently—a functional nod to the style's roots that doesn't sacrifice form in the process. Instead, the new breed of cargo shorts you should be thinking about copping are slimmer, sometimes with a shorter inseam than you might be used to, and often retro-inspired in all the right ways (with nary a hint of a camo pattern to be seen). If you're feeling ready to come around to the idea, Esquire's Avidan Grossman tracked down some of the best options to buy now so this holiday weekend you can celebrate a country infamous for its trash taste in a pair of shorts damn near synonymous with the concept. Read More
Hey, Foregone Conclusion Fans: Big News Out of Russia!
Russia held an election on Tuesday. Vladimir Putin was elected Tsar of all the Russias. Well, not really. Technically, the election dealt with a series of constitutional amendments, one of which guarantees that our president*'s favorite international phone pal will be in office until 2036. This would give Putin the longest tenure of any Russian ruler since...checks notes...oh, yes, Peter the Great. That amendment, however, was tucked into a whole raft of other hot-button referenda, including a ban on gay marriage and a formal institutional recognition of a "faith in God." There was also a provision that gave some sort of pride of place to ethnic Russians, something that historically has not worked out well for those people who are not ethnic Russians. These were seen as mechanisms to goose support for the one amendment that really matters: extending Putin's term of office. Here's Charles P. Pierce on what it all means. Read More
5 Weed Boxes (and 1 CBD Box) Worth Subscribing to in 2020
Marijuana dispensaries aren't what they used to be. Most buildings that are new and legal—in those U.S. states that permit them—are gleaming, white, and brightly lit. You hear terms like " thrown around as the in"dustry adopts a shiny, law-abiding aura, and perhaps that's intimidating. Head shops haven't really gone through the same spiff-up, and maybe the grunge isn't your vibe, either. Plus, both are still physical locations, and you might be trying to avoid stepping foot in "places" at the moment. What everyone can get behind is a subscription box. You don't have to go anywhere that isn't your home. A pro makes the hard choices. And the monthly surprise is kinda nice. Here are a few in the weed realm to test out. Yeah, they all come stocked with rolling papers, but it's the products beyond the papers that are worth clocking—artsy bongs, CBD snacks, tinctures and merch, the works. Read More
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