Saturday, July 04, 2020

‘Twister’ Is the Best Fourth of July Movie. Here's Why.

Forget that there exists a film called 'Independence Day'.
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TwisterYes, Twister—Is the Most American Movie You Can Watch on the Fourth of July
On this Fourth of July, Esquire's Justin Kirkland would like to draw your attention to the fact that Twister includes all the things that define America: white people unnecessarily running directly into disaster, a fundamental misunderstanding of recycling, vague science, and Helen Hunt. Would he say that this is the pinnacle of what American can be? Excluding Helen Hunt, no. But if he could only choose one film to send to the United Nations to represent America as a culture, it would be Twister. This is why it's the movie you should watch today to celebrate the red, white, and blue. Read More
What I Learned About Burgers, Salt, and Myself By Totally Messing Up a DIY Shake Shack Kit
It seemed like such a good idea at the time. Esquire's Jeff Gordiner's kids were practically drooling in anticipation, and he was going to make Shake Shack burgers at home. And for that he is grateful. Not just for the juicy delicious burger to come. But because that kit wound up teaching him about himself and the tricky nuances of cooking a proper Shake Shack-style burger. But he learned these lessons by messing up. If we're being honest—and his kids had no problem with being bluntly so—he botched the job. Perhaps his mistakes can be your guide as we head into the Fourth of July weekend. Read More
10 Years Later, No Viral Challenge Has Accomplished What Icing Has
Icing, the bro-tastic art of surprising someone with a Smirnoff Ice to chug on demand, lingers like a high school friend you catch up with once every few months. Always nice to see, never top of mind. The Smirnoff Ice itself has the same energy—it's about as average of a malt beverage as they come. Not at the top of anyone's would-reach-for-first drink list, but it's not undrinkable. The challenge began because no one—especially a frat boy who exclusively favors PBR—really wants to down a Smirnoff Ice. The mediocrity (and by pre-woke, "bro" culture standards, femininity) of the drink is what makes forcing one upon your friend fun in the first place. Esquire's Lauren Kranc unpacks a decade worth of icing, and asks the lingering question: How the hell are people still doing this? Read More
The 15 Best Home Sales to Shop Over the July Fourth Holiday
Will this be the best July Fourth weekend you've ever experienced? Gonna go ahead and guess that no, it won't be. But in the true spirit of American independence, you are more than free to spend the time when you would've been swigging spiked seltzers with the pals instead shopping around the best home sales happening over the holiday. Instead of crowding onto picnic blankets to watch fireworks, you can buy a new mattress-in-a-box. Instead of grilling for the entire extended family, you can find some nice furniture for the patio. It's not the most festive trade-off, but hey, resources are limited this year. Here, we've pulled some of the best sale items. Take a look. Read More
OK, So Twister's Not Your Thing. Here are 14 of the Best Fourth of July Movies Ever Made
As every rainy 4th of July has taught us so far, it's always good to prep for the day with a backup plan. Or, just an excuse to get out of your neighbor's backyard barbecue. (How many people can show up to one party with a "famous" Cool Whip trifle?) Regardless of your reasoning for opting out of the day's festivities, there's nothing wrong with celebrating the 4th of July with a good old, American-made movie. In fact, crashing on your couch this year might be the most patriotic thing you can do. So, sit back, relax, and crank up the surround sound to drown out those fireworks. (Your dog will thank you for it.) Here are the best movies to watch this 4th of July. Read More
Airplane! Is Considered One of the Best Comedies of All Time. But 40 Years Ago No One Saw it Coming.
Forty years ago, the summer movie season looked like a very different beast than the one we know today. Night and day, really. Back in 1980, as Memorial Day approached, there was only a small handful of sequels on the release schedule, but they were mainly of the Smokey and the Bandit and Cheech and Chong variety. Sure, the can't-miss blockbuster, The Empire Strikes Back, was on the calendar, too. But the very idea of superhero movies didn't exist yet, unless you counted the lone exception of Christopher Reeve's Superman II. In other words, it was a better and simpler time when celluloid comedies still had a fighter's chance in the warm-weather marketplace. And heading into that long, hot summer four decades past, there were only two big-studio comedies that anyone was buzzing about. Neither one of them was Airplane! Chris Nashawaty explains how it became the stuff of comedy legend. Read More
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