Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Good News About Covid Vaccines.

Despite the tone of a lot of recent pandemic coverage, it seems like things may get a lot better—and soon. But have we become addicted to bad news?
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It's Starting to Sound Like Things Will Get Better—and Soon. Are We Ready?
Here and now, though, towards the end of the second month of the Year of Our Lord 2021, we may be on the cusp of a number of very good things happening. Are we ready for that? It might seem silly to ask. Surely everyone wants good things to happen. And now that the FDA has announced the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is safe and effective, the good things are even likelier still. The early indications are that the J&J vaccine remains effective against the New Variants, including the South African strain, which have caused so much alarm in the scientific community and especially The Media. The early signs are that it does not just prevent severe infection, but may cut down on transmission of the virus. Plus, the J&J formula is a one-shot deal, meaning the doses manufactured will go far towards getting the population immunized. But have we become addicted to bad news? Politics Editor Jack Holmes dives into the optimistic Covid news you're not hearing as much about. Read More
'Important People Kept Mum About the Harm That Was Done—and They're Keeping Mum Now'
Mike Schyck and hundreds of other Ohio State University athletes suffered sexual abuse by Dr. Richard Strauss. Schyck and many others say then-OSU assistant wrestling coach Jim Jordan—now a congressman from Ohio—knew about it. Here, Esquire's Scott Raab takes an unprecedented look inside those locker rooms—and inside the mind of a victim. Read More
Barbour's Bedale Jacket Just Keeps Getting Better
Where to begin with Barbour? Maybe the British brand's storied history. How, early on in the last century, it helped innovate weatherproof outerwear by imbuing cotton jackets with wax to help them shield everyone from sportsmen—another way of saying "fancy guys who hunt"—to early motorists from the elements. Or maybe something more visceral: How that waxing process leads to outerwear that takes on a truly beautiful patina, once you've worn and re-waxed it for years. Or I could (ahem) wax philosophical about the fact that it's pretty impressive, the whole "devising a means of keeping folks dry nearly a century before anyone whispered 'Gore-Tex' into the wind" thing. But here's where I'm actually going to start: with a simple value proposition. Barbour makes jackets that really are worth your money. That's what this whole column is about, right? And though it's constantly in contention with its sibling, the Beaufort, the Bedale is one that's tough to beat. So, let's get to it. Read More
Small Desks Are Work-From-Home Game Changers. And These Are Our Favorites.
So many things are a luxury these days. Time—to think, to breathe. Energy to do literally anything, including your job. Money, creativity, support. And then space, that physical area you set aside for yourself to live, to work, to create. Because doing all that stuff on your bed ain't it. But for some of us, specifically the tiny house and cramped apartment dwellers of the world, a standard desk just isn't going to work. If it fits at all, it's taking up the scant free space in the floor plan. But working from home is that much harder without one. So here are 15 small desks that get creative with space usage—hanging from walls, gripping to windows, disappearing when the day is done. Get a feel for the square footage you do have, and then choose one that'll not only work, but make your work feel a little less taxing. And finally, a word for the wise: Measure, do not eyeball. Never eyeball. Your eyeball is, unless highly trained in the art of guess-measuring, wrong. Read More
Beneath the Surface of Bruce Springsteen
An exclusive story for members of Esquire Select. For more than fifty years, he's traveled deep into the heart of America. In Esquire's Winter 2018 cover story, Bruce Springsteen reveals that his bravest journey has been wrestling with his own mental health. Read More
55 Tech Essentials That Make Great Gifts—Especially for Yourself
The world is 99.9 percent made up of technology. Well, not quite. But some days, it sure as hell feels that way, from the smart wearables we strap to our bodies to the smart home devices we place throughout our living spaces. Now, let's add some more and get that percentage up to 100. There are plenty of cool tech gadgets to buy for folks in 2021, from your nephew who just started middle school to your techie spouse to your tech-adverse grandpa. Or, you know, just for yourself. Here are 55 of the best. Read More
Enter for a chance to win: $950 in gift cards toward a high-definition flat-screen TV of your choice; a $250 gift card toward the speaker system of your choice, a NewAir 126-Can Beverage Fridge ($395 value), and The Proof Syrup Old Fashioned Master Set ($165 value).
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