Friday, February 12, 2021

Trump’s Impeachment Defense Was Peak Absurdity

Johnny Depp was just introduced as exculpatory evidence in a United States president's impeachment trial.
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Trump's Impeachment Defense Is a Triumph of Shamelessness and Absurdity
Friday's session of the Senate impeachment trial of Donald J. Trump was a ready reminder that absurdity and shamelessness are super powerful weapons in the politics of our unfortunate era. The ex-president's defense team castigated House impeachment managers for supposedly manipulating video and tweets as part of their case, then minutes later ran a supercut where they removed Democratic officials' words from context to prove that politicians often use the word "fight." The section that focused on Elizabeth Warren went on so long that it seemed the intent was to suggest her supporters had once stormed the Capitol, wielding "BIG, STRUCTURAL CHANGE" flags, demanding paid family leave. They ran their video montages multiple times each, subjecting the audience to the same clips repeatedly. It was enough to make you wonder if they thought they had to fill time to avoid an embarrassingly short defense exhibit, not unlike a college kid filling up a term paper, writes Politics Editor Jack Holmes. Read More
It's Officially the Last Minute. Here are 50 Valentine's Day Gifts You Can Count On.
Giving a romantic gift is all about knowing your partner. If you've been married for 30 years, you know them pretty damn well, but you might be stumped on how to surprise them. If you've been dating for three months, you probably have a lot left to learn, including what kind of gift will strike the right chord without being overly cheesy. Finesse is required, whether your relationship is brand spanking new or in its golden years, whether you'd prefer to spend a little or a lot. Should you be scrambling last-minute in the days ahead of the sappiness-fest that is Valentine's Day, allow us to help you crush that gift-giving occasion with the following 50 ideas. Each will give the day a dash (or heap) of romance. Read More
A Modern Take on Valentine's Day Flowers
In Partnership with UrbanStems
Ever send a dried bouquet? These long-lasting beauties are a popular pick. Read More
The Best Stuff to Buy Under $200 Right Now
Online shopping is a bit like hitting the biggest all-you-can-eat buffet in the world with no idea what type of food you're in the mood for. The vastness of the internet means a veritable smorgasbord of steals, deals, and discounts is always but a click away, and figuring out what to put on your plate first can be more than a little stress-inducing. Should you fill up on chunky sweaters now or save a little room for lightweight outerwear down the line? Should you go back for a second helping of sweatpants or finally try a bite of that corduroy all your friends have been raving about? Should you wait in line at the limited-edition sneaker station or skip straight to the general release table and serve yourself? And, most important, are those boots priced by weight?! But for the discerning bargain-hunter, shopping online is like deciding what to order at a restaurant you've already been to, like, every day for the last five years straight. So—if you'll indulge the analogy a tad longer—allow us to advise you on the house specialties. These are best men's style items you can score for less than 200 bucks online right now. Read More
Nikki Haley Made the Devil's Bargain Like Every Other Loyal Trumpist
Tout les 'Toobz was all a'buzz on Friday with the latest zigzag from Nikki Haley. Not long ago, she was scoffing at the current impeachment proceedings and asking the Democratic managers to "give the guy a break." Now, in an interview with Politico, Haley tells reporter Tim Alberta that she's moved on, and that she thinks everybody else in the party should, too. And, right from jump, the Nikki Haley Paradox headed into the red zone. Haley has a problem with her political cartography, though, writes Charles P. Pierce. The Republican Party didn't follow the former president* anywhere. The former president* never moved. He was always the same dangerous, grifting incompetent he showed himself to be during his tenure in office. The entire Republican Party, including Nikki Haley, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio and all manner of other invertebrates, came to the former president*. And the party is still coming to him. Read More
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Our new membership club, Esquire Select, offers boundless access to what you already love about Esquire, including award-winning journalism, big acts of storytelling, celebrity interviews, style advice, cultural commentary, cocktail recipes, and so much more. But we've also added a few things we hope will up the ante—like an annual subscription to the print magazine, access to every Esquire story ever published via Esquire Classic, unlimited access to Politics with Charles P. Pierce, including his weekly newsletter "Last Call," and members-only deals and discounts from some of our favorite brands. It's not just the best way to equip yourself for 2021—it's a membership from which you'll reap the benefits of for a lifetime. Read More
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