Thursday, February 04, 2021

Somebody Has a Lot of Explaining to Do

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Someone Is Going to Have to Explain to Me How This Makes Any Damn Sense
Somehow, the law enforcement officials in Wisconsin have lost Kyle Rittenhouse, the famous young bloodshed tourist from Illinois. So here we have the most famous criminal defendant in Wisconsin history who was not also a psychotic serial murderer. (Ed Gein and Jeffrey Dahmer have set the all-time bar for Wisconsin murderers impossibly high.) He comes to a disturbance from another state, and carrying an illegal firearm. (Road trip! Death takes a holiday!) He is charged with killing two people and wounding another. He gets bail, which is preposterous all on its own, and then he raises the $2 million in amounts large and small so he can get out of the can. He then violates his bail conditions in just about every way you can, except by shooting someone else. He gets photographed in a bar, downing beers and flashing white-supremacist hand signals. And now they...don' For all the local cops and local prosecutors know, young Kyle's mother could have air-mailed him to Kiribati. And his lawyers responded to a very polite WTF? from the court by hanging the police out to dry. Read More
The Best Button-Down Shirts You Can Buy Right Now
If you, like most people, spent the last year hunkered down in nothing but sweats, the ever-versatile button-down shirt probably isn't exactly top of mind at the moment. It should be. Because now that we're well and truly into the dog days of winter (and you finally—finally!—feel ready to really start dressin'), you shouldn't be thinking about anything more than the essential button-down shirt. Chief among them? The oxford-cloth button-down, the flannel button-down, the denim button-down, the printed button-down, and finally, the trusty overshirt. Some combination of this motley crew will always make for an all-star lineup in your regular rotation, and together (not to wantonly mix metaphors here) they represent the load-bearing beams of winter style around which you should carefully build your fits. Try pairing a beefy flannel with slouchy denim and a some thoroughly scuffed slip-ons a la Brad Pritt. Or, hell, a striped OCBD with sweatpants, thick camp socks, retro sneakers, and a beanie up top for good measure. As long as you're trying, and thinking a little outside of the box, you really can't go wrong. Read More
This Is the Air Fryer That Finally Turned Me Into a 'Do You Have an Air Fryer?' Guy
Esquire's Justin Kirkland did not want to become an air fryer guy. He had purposefully avoided that life, because once you get an air fryer, you are contractually obligated to predominantly talk about everything you can do in it. Homemade french fries. Crispy Brussels sprouts. Fried Oreos. Cloning your pets, etc. And on New Year's Eve, when Kirkland's cousin asked him, "Do y'all have an air fryer?" He begrudgingly told her no. She said, "It's worth it for the wings alone." And about thirty minutes later, just before midnight, his phone lit up with a text: Your air fryer will be there on Monday. Kirkland is an air fryer guy now. A Chefman TurboFry guy, specifically. Here's why. Read More
These 15 Books on Climate Change Are Essential Reading
So you want to learn about climate change—but where to begin? We live in what many scientists call the Anthropocene Epoch, an era of geological time characterized by human impact on Earth's geology and ecosystems. As the earth's temperature rises and natural disasters occur with alarming frequency, the environment is quickly careening toward a breaking point from which we can never turn back. But understanding the litany of facts about the state of our planet is just the beginning. Next, you'll want to explore the sociopolitical intersections of those facts, from the disproportionate effect of climate change on Native populations and people of color, to the corporate profit motives and disinformation campaigns preventing us from ushering in climate-friendly policy initiatives. We've rounded up 15 of the most essential texts about climate change to get you started—some old, some new, all urgently clear-eyed about the problems facing our planet. It's by no means an encyclopedic survey, but consider it a comprehensive syllabus for anyone looking to broaden their knowledge. Once you've read these books, you'll be ready to call your representatives, hit some Sunrise Movement protests, and become a force for change in your community. Read More
35 Couples Valentine's Gifts That Are Not at All Cheesy
Valentine's Day has a way of appearing out of nowhere, uninvited and unplanned for. That, of course, is on you. Remember better this year! In fact, don't just remember better. Get a really good gift that both you and your partner will still be enjoying by the time next Valentine's Day rolls around. That's right—a couples gift. But not in an overly cutesy, matchy-matchy kind of way. Not seeing our vision? No worries, the following 35 gift ideas will make it clear. Choose one from the lot to surprise your partner and also treat yourself. And so the romance lives on. Read More
Join Our Club. We'll Send You a Magazine—But That's Not All You'll Get
Our new membership club, Esquire Select, offers boundless access to what you already love about Esquire, including award-winning journalism, big acts of storytelling, celebrity interviews, style advice, cultural commentary, cocktail recipes, and so much more. But we've also added a few things we hope will up the ante—like an annual subscription to the print magazine, access to every Esquire story ever published via Esquire Classic, unlimited access to Politics with Charles P. Pierce, including his weekly newsletter "Last Call," and members-only deals and discounts from some of our favorite brands. It's not just the best way to equip yourself for 2021—it's a membership from which you'll reap the benefits of for a lifetime. Read More
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